Retail Store Feedback

Heyo fellow developers how do you feel about my retail store. I’m gonna use this for my game :slight_smile: Its not the best but I’ve spent a while on it, and wondered if they’re was anything I could change or add! I Went for necessary details.


Looks really walmart, its a equivalent to say good, you understand, cause its a walmart, its realistic idk lol


Move the sign to the right a little bit, and if your using ThreeDText2, then maybe use a different font for the sign.

It is a nice-looking store. However, I personally think that it can be slightly improved. For example, using textures that are not in the default category on the walls. This may help suppress the plain-looking color and enhance their textures. Adding more details to the sign such as borders and a logo beside it might help improve in detail. Overall, I think that you did a good job building the retail store and adding the necessary details.

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Thats just what I needed! thanks!

Hey i said you about it lol, why u didnt hear me

Personally, I think this looks like a hardware store. I do like the font on the outside. I would maybe add a cart return station at the front of the store to give it a more lively look. Great work!

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Add some posters to the front of the store, Maybe even a vending machine or ice machine like they have at real stores. That will make it look really nice!


I’d say to move the sign and roof a bit higher or make it smaller because it seems to be almost bigger than the walls. And even out a bit of the posts on the side of the path. Looks good either way! (Also I’m not sure about this, but make the door bigger!) Looks good though!

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