Retargeting causes Roblox Idle animation bug on player avatars

Hello, I’ve reported a couple of weeks ago animation bug which was related to Retargeting option. That time bug occurred when an Avatar was :Cloned(). Animations are broken on :Cloned() NPC models

This time this bug happens with default Roblox animation settings, by that I mean the default Roblox animation script and Roblox made animations which are bought from the Marketplace. The particular Roblox animation which I’ve been having issue with is called Toy Idle which can be found here: Toy Idle - Roblox

Now how this bug happens? It happens when a player spawns into game or respawns after death. There is no script in my game that would modify players default animations or Roblox animations script. Everything related to avatar spawning and animations works just as same as Default Baseplate place would work.

This bug occurs frequently, nearly every respawn causes some sort of arm deformation.
My wild guesses for this bug occurrences are: it could probably be caused by a massive players load on Roblox servers as I’ve seen currently games like DTI having 1.5m+ players online when this bug started occurring. Another guess I have is one of the scripts I have which adjusts player RightArm RightGrip position to keep it fixed properly for all avatars including UGC ones, this script runs as soon as player spawns and it never have caused any issues like this before.
Last thing to mention: this bug started only today.

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UPDATE: we’ve added a fix for this issue. Apologies for the wait.

Hi @Iliuminatis,

I believe this is the same bug as discussed in the other thread. We recently added retargeting to more animations so that is why you’re now seeing it with the Toy bundle. Since it is streaming related it makes sense that more latency could cause this issue to present more often.

The good news is we’ve identified the problem and are testing the fix. We’ll do our best to get them out as soon as possible in the New Year.

In the mean time, disabling retargeting or streaming should work as a temporary work around.



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