Retrieving An Old Sentimental Screenshot Uploaded To Roblox


Hello, I’m DarkTerminal a semi-old player who has been playing Roblox since early 2013, I am a very big fan of loleris’ games and would regularly play both Darkness 1 and 2, Mad Murderer, Mad Paintball, Mad Games and now The Mad Murderer X.


So I have this one screenshot thats very sentimental to me.

It’s an old screenshot of me meeting loleris in-game for the first (and last) time playing an old tycoon game called “2 Player Gun Factory Tycoon” by Berezaa back in 2014.

The only problem is, I don’t have a copy of the image anymore due to me not bringing it with me on an usb whenever I would change computers, so it most likely got erased and I don’t have any of the computers anymore either.

All I have left is a Classic T-Shirt that I made with the screenshot image as the Classic T-Shirt and that’s really all traces I have left of this beloved screenshot.


So I guess my question is if there is any way to and if it is alright with Roblox TOS and rules if one was to use said “way” (if there is one) to retrieve my old screenshot.

I don’t know how this would be possible, but I’m hoping all of you wonderful people here on the DevForums happen to know a thing or two and perhaps a way to retrieve the screenshot from the uploaded T-Shirt.

What I’ve Tried

I (a very uneducated person when it comes to websites and code etc) was thinking maybe I would find the link to the image inside the inspect elements tab of the T-Shirt but I was unable to find anything, all I found was a picture of the T-Shirt and not the screenshot itself.

The Uploaded Screenshot

I will now provide a Roblox Link to the screenshot I uploaded in hopes that one of you may be able to assist me with this:

Link: RobloxScreenShot09152014_111310705 - Roblox


That’s unfortunately all traces that I have and all information I remember of this beloved screenshot of mine.

Hopefully one of you more educated people when it comes to code and websites will be able to assist me in solving this nightmare of an issue.

However, in the event that it is forbidden to do anything due to Roblox TOS and or any other regulations, please let me know. I’m not looking to get in trouble for this as it’s just a sentimental piece of my childhood that I’d like to preserve as a screenshot.

It’s worth a shot, hopefully all goes well!

Thanks in advance guys. :slightly_smiling_face:

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quite low quality but it’s something i guess

Thank you, I guess it’s pretty hard or in this case probably impossible to restore the quality of the image but that’s alright. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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