Lately I’ve been trying to play animations on client when told by the server via :FireClient() and trying to retrieve the animation track on server so I can call GetMarkerReachedSignal on said animation track on the server. What I’ve tried is after I fireclient I use GetPlayingAnimationTracks() on the characters humanoid to find the animation track (worked but is unreliable), other thing I tried was using a remote function to return the animation track from the client (returned nil which I understand why). Is there any way to retrieve an animation played on client on server?
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I have an idea, but it’s an odd one.
Create the AnimTrack on the server (via LoadAnimation of course) and Parent it to a place the client can see (ie. ReplicatedStorage). Then, use FireClient and pass this AnimTrack to the client so they can Play it. The server can now make use of GetMarkerReachedSignal on the AnimTrack.
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Animation Tracks can be parented? I never knew
Ok I tried the idea, seems like they can’t be parented and looks like animation tracks cant be sent through remotes