Working on a Camera system similar to older games like Resident evil and Silent hill where the Cameras are locked based on where you are. I plan to make a simple horror game using it but just wanted to show it in its barebones state and get some feedback
How it looks to run around
The set up is simple with the red parts being the zones that trigger the cameras and the cameras being the yellow parts.
It’s pretty simple and I’ve done it too when I was a trash scripter.
Just make hitboxes and inside them make objectvalues. Those valese should be the camera part. Then in the client detect which hitbox you’re in by doing like getpartsinradius or something from your head, and loop the camera’s CFrame to the current camerapart.
I don’t actually think that’s what I did but this method is probably more efficent than my old one.
nice! would be 10x cooler if you made it work without hitboxes and camera parts, and it found the best camera angle in the area to view the player from.
oh, to me it just seems like the quality of the image considering the ui is also pixelated. But this effect could be possible with some reasources but idk
This retro-game camera system looks great! Good job on creating it! How long did it take for you to make this camera system? When will the horror game be released?
It took about a day of off and on work, I dont really have a game planned out yet more just wanted the camera system and thought about making a game well I made it haha