Hey there, Today I decided to release my “Classic Materials” Resource, allowing creators to create games using the retro materials from 2010-2012 & classic materials from 2013-2022.
These materials don’t include any “surface material” such as:
- inlets
- studs
- weld
- glue
- universal.
I’m looking towards providing users textures for all of those later on!
Comparison (excluding new materials added in 2022)
Here is a preview of the materials being used in some of my games:
There are currently a few known issues, which I can’t fix on my own, but hopefully a new improved “Custom Materials” system will come out at some point, making this possible:
- No emissive maps for materials
- No glass material
- No overlay for textures such as “Grass - 2010”, “Corroded Metal/Rust”, “Fabric”, “Bricks”, “Cobblestone”, “Wooden Planks” and many others.
- No Terrain textures yet
Bonuses included:
- Low Res textures (used by the old Roblox clients on low-end devices)
- Mobile texture for corroded metal
- 2010 color variations for corroded metal (those that were on Roblox at the time, will remember rust having different colors on specific colors)
- 2019 variants of materials (some may know that the wooden planks material was slightly changed in 2019, I included both the original and the current one/2019)
You can use this here:
Reasons you would need this:
some materials are slightly different, such as 2013 marble & you can use this to create experiences which feature different eras of roblox in one single place, giving you the flexibility to use 2022 materials at the same time as old materials.
I’m looking towards adding 2022 materials too, so people can keep pre-2022 materials as their default option if they choose to!