Return of the "Unknown require" ghost warning in Team Create

Reproduction Steps
This issue is hard to consistently reproduce; I detailed this in an older thread: Script analysis spammed with "Unknown require" warnings when using --!strict or --!nonstrict mode in Team Create

When I join my team create place, there’s typically 1-2 “unknown require” warnings that appear in random Scripts/ModuleScripts now. This issue was fixed a while back, but I am seeing it again.

I created a repro for the old thread: Repro place
You should open this place in a team create place; however, this repro is inconsistent and does not always show ghost warnings, depending on your internet speed and other factors.

Expected Behavior
Script analysis should only start running AFTER all script sources have loaded in team create.

Actual Behavior
Script analysis sometimes runs before all scripts load in my team create place, and thus there are “unknown require” warnings emitted which go away immediately when you open the script emitting the warning.

You can click on the warnings to make them disappear. Regardless, it’s annoying and just slightly wasteful to my workflow to have to do this.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-01-12 00:01:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-01-15 00:01:00 (-07:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report


It seems that ReplicatedFirst scripts are the most consistent scripts to emit these warnings:

Perhaps because they’re the first scripts to load when you join a team create place? I can’t get these warnings to consistently show up for my ReplicatedFirst script (and yes, I am requiring after game.Loaded fires), but I can get some warnings to almost always show up on random scripts when I join my team create place.

Just to confirm - do you have the Luau-Powered Autocomplete and Language Features beta enabled?

Yep, I do have the Luau-Powered Autocomplete and Language Features beta enabled. (gotta be verbose to pass the character limit)

This should now be fixed. Please let us know if anything still seems incorrect.