Return true / return false?

This time, theres nothing wrong with my script. (SHOCKER)

But instead I was wondering…
What should I use?

Setting a bool variable to true, or returning a function to true.
Heres what I mean:

Using bool

local bool = false

local function returnBool()
	if bool == true then
		print("bool is true")

local function setBool()
	bool = true


OR, should I do something like this?

Returning true

local function setBool()
	return true



if setBool() == true then

Any help is appreciated.

Usually if you are Sending a specific type of data, you use return

Better version of your function:

local function setBool(Boolean: boolean) -- Argument assigned as a boolean
	return Boolean -- Returns the Boolean
setBool(true) -- returns true
setBool(false) -- returns false

setBool() == true will always be true. I think you misunderstand what return is used for?

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Its an example. I made it in about 1 minute lol

Ohhhh, I see. This is interesting. I might use this, thanks!

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If you’re asking whether its better to get a value from a global or from the return of a function, return is better for some structural reasons. In your first example “bool” is a global; even though it says local, it is global relative to your functions, any of them can access it. So in your first example setBool has a Side Effect, which is setting bool to be true.
In your second example, there are no side effects and setBool is whats called a Pure Function, which means its output only depends on its inputs, or nothing, and it has no side effects. Pure functions are preferable because they make reading your code easier, since the reader does not have to keep track of which side effects have gone off as they are reading.
The simplest example of a function with side effects is print(), since it changes the state of your output window. time() is also not a pure function, as it depends on the real time, which isn’t technically an input to the function.
Since the return value of setBool is always true, in your case it is also a Constant Expression, which means it always has the same value.


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