Here’s my problem,
I don’t know how to get a table inside a table but I want to get it by finding a string Inside
It’s hard to explain.
here is a part of my module
Valentine = {
items = {
name = "Eternal",
image = { 1425549223, 1425549531},
type = "Divine",
I want to get the image table by finding the name
in a simplie way, i want to go back to items and get the image table after getting the name
local item_name = module.sections["Knife Skins"].gifts.Valentine.items[msg[3]]
local images = item_name. <-Parent-> .image
could you post the whole table maybe that would help and maybe explain what you are exactly trying to fetch. what I can tell so far is that you’re either trying to get a specific ID or are converting a table to an unpack tuple. but I don’t really know what you’re saying lol
also, looking back, the example code you gave wouldn’t work either?
item_name would be the item, not the name, which implies that image would just be item_name.image???
and why would you want to use an array in the first place? a dictionary sounds more suitable for this kind of purpose where you’re defining each item
furthermore, what you’re asking is impractical, why do you need to go backwards to find a sibling element when you can simply just store the reference itself?
also the order of a table isn’t random when you don’t supply an index (maybe you already knew this) and you can just iterate through them
I wrote something that I think is what you’re looking for.
local foo = {
[1] = {0, 1},
[2] = 0
for i, v in pairs(foo) do
if typeof(v) == 'table' then
table.foreach(v, print) -- will print the numbers in order
elseif typeof(v) == 'number' then
print(v) -- will print the number
edit: but if you’re looking for that number you just save the i variable when you figure out wether it’s a table or a number
Just iterate through the valentines dictionary then find the items table and find a sub table with the name being what you need
local targetName = "Eternal"
local function GetTableByName(name)
for index, val in pairs(Valentine) do
if typeof(val) == "table" then
for _, tbl in ipairs(val) do
if == name then
return tbl
local tblInfo = GetTableByName(targetName)