Returning pcall information to client?

Pardon my knowledge, but I’m quite bad with pcalls. If I wrap something in pcall, how would I return that the code errored to the client. I’m not sure if I’m doing it correctly?

local id
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
id = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(Input) -- Input is a text

The thing is if input is wrong, or nil then it gives me an error. Is that how pcall’s are meant to work or what? I’m trying to send a remote event to the client to say your input is invalid, but the error doesn’t allow me.

Not understanding much, but, would this work:

local id
local HadSuccess, Returned = pcall(function()
	id = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(Input)
	if id then
		return true -- Valid
		return false -- Invalid

if HadSuccess and Returned then


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Well I used your code but the pcall isn’t working or something isn’t. If the player’s id doesn’t exist it would error. In the pcall, where it says invalid, I sent a remote event back to the client but it doesn’t even work.

Use a remote function

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

remote_function.OnServerInvoke = function(player, input)
    return pcall(Players.GetUserIdFromNameAsync, Players, input)

So you are returning if it was successful and the result.

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Assuming Input is a string and not a number, and assuming you haven’t done this yet, have you tried using tonumber(Input)?

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@xxIamInevitable, Well yeah input is a string. I tried tonumber and I get the same error. I’m not even sure if that’s intended pcall behaviour?

@sjr04 So I would call this on the server, and it’s returns the result to the client?


Yeah, everything’s working as expected now. Thanks Incapaz and others!

I have one last question if anyone’s willing to answer. The remote function returns if it’s successful but how would I hook up something to change on the client. For example, if it’s successful the gui textbox background would change to green and vice verca?

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Players have a folder called PlayerGui, which is all where the GUI instances put in StarterGui go to.

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