hi, i was working at my DataStore sistem but at the end, returning dont want to return the Instance
a exaple of what i made:
function module:CreateValue(plr,name,Item,Type)
local val = Instance.new(Item..'Value') ; val.Name = tostring(name)
warn(val.Name) -- It warns val's name
return val
local val = module:CreateValue(nil,'Money','Int',nil)
warn(val.Name) -- error: val is a nil Instance
Looking at your code it seems like you have an unfinished string in the module script:
function module:CreateValue(plr,name,Item,Type)
local val = Instance.new(Item..'Value') ;
val.Name = tostring(name)
warn(val.Name) -- It warns val's name
return val
function module:SetParent(parent,name,object)
local val = module:CreateValue(nil,name,object,'set')
if not parent.Name == 'leaderstats' then
error('DataStore3: u can only add values to players!')
val.Parent = parent
So it’s comparing false to leaderstats which is still false.
Don’t reinvent the wheel, and instead use the ~= operator:
if parent.Name ~= 'leaderstats'
By the way instead of
if not x then
assert exists.
assert(parent.Name == "leaderstats", "DataStore3: parent must be a leaderstats!"). If the first argument is falsey, it will output the second argument as an exception. The second argument defaults to "assertion failed!". If it’s truthy, assertwon’t throw an exception, it will return the first argument
I was unable to reproduce your error with the script you have provided. Is something else in another part of your script causing this error to occur in this part of the script? Are you calling the function correctly with the correct parameters?
In the script that you have provided there doesn’t seem like there is anything wrong with it other than a bit of tidying up:
function module:CreateValue(plr,name,Item,Type)
local val = Instance.new(Item..'Value')
val.Name = tostring(name)
warn(val.Name) -- It warns val's name
return val
local val = module:CreateValue(nil,'Money','Int',nil)
warn(val.Name) -- error: val is a nil Instance