Revamped game icon

It’s been awhile since I’ve made a game icon so I’m open to all feedback! I would love to make it the best it can be so don’t be shy to critique!


I think it’s pretty good! Not much to say other than it’s great. You need the icon to express what the game is, not just the name. You need something that explains the point of the game. In this case it’s minigames, so you could possibly add a drawing of a minigame.

Nice work!

It looks pretty cool, but having a picture of 2 people high fiving doesn’t express what the game is. Sure, the name is in the icon, but look at these games.

I’m guessing you can understand what these games are about just by looking at the picture. Your icon doesn’t have this feature. Maybe you can add a blurred image of a minigame in the background with an unblurred character in front of it or something like that, it’s up to you I guess.


Thank you and I completely agree! I was on a bit of a time crunch, as the game is for a minigame night we will be having in a discord server and the actual game wasn’t fully complete so I didn’t see much of what exactly the minigames would be. Thank you for the feedback and I will most definitely work with all the help you provided! :smile:

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Thank you for the feedback and I also agree, it doesn’t give too much of what the game is about, besides the name. Since I wasn’t given much information about what sorts of minigames will be played, I didn’t have much to work with but your advice helps a lot and I’ll see what I can do for the future with it! It definitely needs adjustments so thank you for the help! :smiley:

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