Revenant | FPS Map Preview (Feedback)

This is a preview of one of our maps for an upcoming post-apocalyptic shooter; “Revenant”. See a preview of what you’ll be competitively playing in as you experience life as an old-world scavenger.

Open to constructive criticism. See a showcase of our gun engine here.


Looks amazing. Is the music playing in the game or did you edit it in? It’s a pretty unique choice to have vocals in music inside a Roblox game.

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OMG MASK FROM DREAM!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Anyways, the map looks really good, incredibly realistic.
You should probably add some more notable landmarks so that players don’t get confused and lost while playing.

The music isn’t actually used ingame, it was just added after for the video :wink: