Review my GFX I made for a friend?

I made a GFX for my friend who is really into angels.
Can I have some critique?
made in Blender and Fire Alpaca


Looks pretty great. Remove those yellow lines and add lightning.


Yeah I kinda have a version without yellow lines I just thought it might look cool, and By add lighting im not sure what you mean I just Added a Hemi Light in blender so im assuming your talking about shadows?

Yep, I am talking about shadows.

I really love it you done a great job, I don’t know about the face tho. It looks okay but it kinda doesn’t fit in it.

So lemme give a totally transparent review for this GFX. So the GFX is very simple. I would try adding more lighting and a better background and personally remove the stroke and add a outer glow in Photoshop. I’m sure you could do the same in pixlr if you do not have Photoshop. Very simplistic but not bad at all. Proper bend of limbs. I’d probably use blender and use the cycles renderer as it is just a simple scene and use a HDRI for the lighting which will give a more professional and aesthetic look to your GFX. Many Tutorials on how to render with blender are on YouTube which will go in depth with all the RIGs you need and lighting procedures, Good luck in your future GFXs! :slightly_smiling_face:

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