Review my new game

Review my new game :slight_smile:

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Do you mean Wrath? Thumbernail should be improved!

A wraith is a … creature I think, like an evil spirit. Wrath is just angry. :slight_smile:

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Yes I mean wraith like a spirit I’ll look at the thumbnail :+1: thank you

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Bro the build quality is amazing!:+1:

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Thank you mate I try my best :+1:

nice! the builds in the game are really good!

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Thank you mate, i tried to make it a bit different to my other game split second in the way it feels to play appriciate it :+1:

The build quality is really good! You might be able to improve the UIs though! Nice job nonetheless!

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I finished your game, I have a small YouTube channel. (The DEV EXP). I will upload the video tonight.

Good luck!

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Hi I’m glad you liked that game and thank you very much if you are going to make a video on it I appreciate it :+1:

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Thank you mate, I’ll look into the uis appreciate the helpπŸ‘

The game looks great but I have a few suggestions:

  1. Improve the GUIs, at the moment, they look really low effort
  2. Maybe add walking sounds, or even a special walking animation

Other than that, the game is really good.


Hi thank you fo your help i will look into that appriciate it.

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