I made a game called “Beach.” The game features a beach. The beach has a tutorial and a shop. The beach also has hidden treasures. The beach will save everything. In the beach you are supposed to do whatever you want.
I want to improve player engagement and have more goals and things to do.
Keep in mind this game is only fun when 4 or more people are in it.

The most important piece of advise I can give is remove every single free model in your game. Free model games never go anywhere and aren’t visually pleasing. I also suggest using Roblox terrain for the beach and ocean as it will add realism. Make sure you add variation to sand height and play around with the water transparency settings, etc.
I don’t want to use terrain because
- i am bad at it
- it does not look good with the style i am going for. I am going for an old roblox style but still modern.
Removing every single model
ill keep the beach stuff but i don’t really have an fre models apart from meshes, some free models are placeholders for now and ill remake them later, I will make the water reflective and a bit transparent though
Since you’re aiming for an old-school Roblox game, it’s not bad. Although, I’d highly recommend incorporating a variety of decorative and interactive elements to make it feel more lively. Currently, it seems somewhat empty, so fill up any large spaces with different types of vegetation (as an example). Model quality can also really affect the entirety of the game so ensure your models match the aesthetics you’re wanting to achieve. Keep it up though!
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I added some more vegetation and stuffhow is the game now?
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Looking better! Like all games, just play around with it and find ways to enhance it. It can be really helpful to browse the internet for inspiration and ways to improve projects as well. Hope this helped ˙ᵕ˙
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