What’s the license on Ai-Generated code? Or does my code automatically belong to Roblox as soon as I publish?
iirc, the code being fed is going to be MIT licensed. I forgot where I heard this but It was somewhere around a terms document thing
Yeah but any generated content is not copyrighted unless Roblox notices otherwise.
And then they make you very fry your ID!? I joined Rōblox on 2008-11-30 and share similar sentiments about what I call the Byfron Police State®. Though, my opinion on these generative algorithms is a bit different.
These algorithms eventually become more efficient. And code-generation stuff (such as GitHub’s Copilot) have more use in saving keystrokes than anything else. That is to my knowledge.
I feel like you should’ve at least given commissions for developers if you use their code isntead of jsut taking it.
Who said Roblox was so generous? After all, they did give you the option to consent giving your experiences to be train their AI.
Could we get an option for any free model assets we make to not be included in the training dataset?
I sometimes enable/disable models in my inventory so I can Require/LoadAsset them and test them in-game. These are portable systems that I can just load in any place, such as my magic system, and I don’t want this to be in the dataset.
If not, do we have an alternative for this dynamic standalone testing?
The Public Luau dataset does not have a default preference. The only touchpoint to opt-in/out any experience to the public dataset is in Creator Hub. Newly created experiences are not shared to our Public Luau dataset by default.
If I have hundreds of existing experiences, am I expected to disable sharing for each one individually then?
The only way data sharing to the Public Luau dataset would be enabled for an experience is if you navigate to Creator Hub and enable it. You do not have to disable sharing individually each time, as they by default are not shared to the Public Luau dataset.
Alright. You said “newly created experiences” which implied it could be different for existing experiences. Thanks for the clarification.
Update: You no longer need to accept separate AI Supplemental Terms in Studio. We’ve integrated the AI Supplemental Terms into the Roblox Terms of Use and your continued use of our service is your agreement to these updated terms. You can still set your data-sharing preferences in Creator Hub and when publishing your experience.
You WILL use the AI and you WILL be happy about it.
Who at Roblox will notice that I and many developers do not want to use your AI tooling. I would like to be able to strongly opt out of using any AI tooling. I do not want to use a tool which actively hallucinates
It’s so bad that Roblox needs to speak legalise to absolve of it’s responsibility that it’s own tooling could create actually offensive content that could get me banned from Roblox.
From the week it came out to today I’ve explicitly rejected enabling any of the AI tooling, I pray that a PM doesn’t do the beyond stupid thing of forcing me to use AI tooling that I never want.
Thanks Roblox
Good question, I’d love to know as well.
SAME. Roblox “supports” developers, but yet they’re aiming to replace us?? “oh it’s a tool, it’s meant ot help”, “it’ snot going to replace u”. Okay, that’s fair and all, but in the end where’s the training coming from?