Review Your Generative AI Data Sharing Preferences

Oki, thanks for the response! Might want to add a text label there displaying that so people aren’t confused.

Why is there no way to opt out of my code being used for generative AI ? You allow toggles for all the other ones?

The last thing i want to see is some asset rip dev trying to copy my game that took years to make with AI… I hope its OFF my default, please dont follow adobes footsteps.
To encourage people to share I think giving incentives to people like a robux reward like premium payouts would be a good idea.

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The sharing preference in the publish flow only applies to Roblox internal models, and not the public dataset.

So there is no default setting for the public dataset.

For god sake why does anyone even remotely think this is beneficial, long term will be hell.

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Thanks for the heads up about this in studio! I don’t really care if my code is used but I do commissions which could cause issues if the employer doesn’t want me to share it with anyone/anything in contracts.


No thank you!
I’m going to be taking down all my free assets right now.

You are not training AI with my assets. Ever.

When did we ask for this, like seriously?

Who is going to WILLINGLY train an AI just for it to replace them, and us not get ANYTHING out of it? Like bro, this is stupid.

You’re just exploiting this fact, I honestly had no idea of this feature until I searched up “How to make your audios public”.

I’m seriously done with this AI stuff.

I’m a PROGRAMMAR, nobody’s going to hire me as is if there’s AI replacing us.

Like I get you’re trying to TEACH people with it, but people aren’t going to want to learn it, they’re just going to use it either not knowing that they’re harming scripters/programmer’s jobs, or just not have a care in the world like people do nowadays as seen by the people who decided to make this post.

I’m starting a petition to stop this as we speak.

Alright, my petition is done. Sign here: Petition · Require Roblox to Make Generative AI Training Toggle Off as Default - Netherlands ·

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So for us developers who don’t want to contribute towards this AI thing, we have no choice but to, when the time comes.

I’m going to stand up for the developers and say this is outrageous, and it SHOULD be our choice as developers whether WE want to contribute towards this or not, this is scandalous!

All AI sharing is disableable as of July 16, 2024, Luau code is opt in (you have to explicitly say you want to include it in the dataset) and models and all other data can be opted out of by default by clicking this checkbox:

If all of that is performed Roblox will not collect any of this specific data after the date specified in the post.

But the point is you won’t be able to opt out as of from 10th of September, we won’t have that choice, it will be forced on us regardless, it’s silly.

Nowhere in the post mentions this unless I missed something:

Shared data is data which you have contributed through the Data Sharing Preferences,

While I’m neutral about this and decide to by default turn everything off by default then only opt to the things I’d like to share…

Having the setting on by default for new stuff is a big problem for me and I can imagine others with a zillion groups they own for various reasons, needing to go to each group one by one and turn the settings off…

This is especially concerning as we work with brands and could potentially forget to turn the settings off (unintentionally) and that would be violating contract agreements.

I will be honest here.
AI isn’t that good due to killing creativity and arts and having too much technology would cause bad future for ourselves, but this is just my opinion.

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it’s the asset central situation all over again…
but this time it’s actually real
summary: some russian people made a bot that just counts, checks if the number is an asset using the assetdelivery api, pretended that they were gonna use the asset to train their “ai” (that was a lie) and then there were kids in the discord server saying “I waTNt MiY AszsETs REmOVed!!!11!!!”

anyway, this will make the ai even worse than it currently is cuz of the garbage content uploaded to the creator store every day (which makes like half of it and i’m sure enough will get past the filters to turn the ai into the same or worse as it is now)

this is highly inefficient. you are wasting useful resources on crappy things, Rather than encouraging creativity, you are essentially promoting the use of AI to handle tasks entirely. powering imagination is no more its more like powering ai.

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It says right here we won’t have a choice when it’s the 10th of September, that’s really annoying, in other words, we HAVE to contribute regardless of our choice as it won’t matter when the 10th of September comes.

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I believe this is a misreading. What they’re saying is that we’re in a grace period until September before Roblox starts feeding data from users who haven’t opted out yet into the AI. I still find the change upsetting and disagreeable, but I thought it was important to correct this.

As @vanilla_wizard mentioned above, September 10 is just the date we will start training using the data creator shared. As a creator, you can change your preference at any time.

See this in FAQ

What happens if I change my preference and decide to stop sharing one of my creations?

  • You can stop sharing at any time. Your data will be removed from the raw data set in less than 30 days, and the change will be applied in our next AI model, which we will refresh at least once a year.
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