Hey there! My name is Cosmental and I have recently made a post for requested community API modules for everyone to use and enjoy.
Today I am happy to tell you that I have been able to work on and release my first API module for public usage!
What is the GameStatsAPI?
The GameStatsAPI is an API module that allows developers to view and receive information about their game statistics.
What can you do with the API?
The module has a bunch of built in functions for anyone to use easily and without too many limitations!
You can view how many visits a place currently has, how many favorites a game has, server info from all your servers, and much more!
For Example:
local GameStatsAPI = require(6056139948)
local PlaceVisits = GameStatsAPI:RequestVisitsAsync(261, 47324) --// SFOTH
print(PlaceVisits) --// Currently over 20M+ Visits
Where can I get a copy of the API?
You can either take a copy from the link bellow or you can simply write require(6056139948)
inside of a script to request the module inside of your script!
This module was made possible by using the roblox games API found here.
I do not 100% know what functions can be carried out and what cant or can be done with the roblox games API, I only made the module with the type of functions I found useful or ideal. (Feel free to add your own functions!)
Some functions may return errors such as HTTP 501 (Not Implemented) or HTTP 401 (unauthorized) due to certain functions being in BETA or simply restricted towards staff members and offsite scripting. (Some functions on the official site that are not included in the API require your ROBLOSECURITY cookie to function properly)
If you want to add your own functions or you just have trouble understanding the functions and what they return. I recommend using repr by @Ozzypig.
You can find the documentation inside of the actual API module!
If you have any questions or concerns you can post them here or DM me privately @Cosmental.
Have fun!
[ This module was requested by @zaydoudou ]