Reviewing Inventory Script

This is just really the base of it, I want to implement limiters and such in the future but for now I’d like to just make sure I’m on the right track.

It’s uncopylocked, let me know if there’s anything that could be improved on/any bugs :slight_smile:

Press F within range to Pick Up
Right Click to Drop

Its clear that its a test so I will not look at the obvious.

  • If for any reason I die, the Pickupgui stops appearing
  • In the Inventory script in ServerScriptService there are too many
    : FindFirstChild() this is good to avoid errors but I recommend you use it only in the first ones (The WaitForChild at the beginning seems fine)
  • I dont know if its intentional but if you dont want to use DataStore I would recommend that you make the items fall when you die
  • Items can still be picked up while one is dead.
  • I know its incomplete but I would recommend that you put the items in a folder (since if there are too many it could be a bit disorganized)

Outside of bugs and things you can add, there isnt much outside of testing other than the inventory gui design
Its still an Inventory for a pretty solid game. Congratulations!

Thank you for that feedback! I’m so happy you pointed these things out to me. I was completely oblivious to these issues.

Fixed issue that stops PickUpGui from working when the player dies.
Fixed issue that items can be picked up/dropped when player is not alive.
Redisplayed the items in the players inventory upon them respawning.
Added a weight limiter that prevents the player from picking up more than they can carry.
Started storing items in a folder in workspace.
Cleaned up some code behind the scenes.

As for the over-use of FindFirstChild, yeah I completely understand that’s a bad habit I’ve drilled into myself to avoid errors, I haven’t redone my code to suit this suggestion but it’s definitely something I’d considered trying in the future.

I do plan on adding DataStore, thank you though.

Anyway! If you’d like you can check out my new version and give me some more feedback. Thank you again :slight_smile: