Revolver I attempted to make

Wow. It’s been a while. Hi! But anyways, I was just playing around on Blender, trying to make a tree stump when I got an idea and made a revolver. It’s really not that good, considering it was thrown together in 2 minutes, but I’m kinda proud of it, because my modeling skills have been getting a little rusty.

Thank you for your feedback! :wink:


bruh that is even supposed to be a revolver??


I did say I threw it together in 2 mins, right?

It’s great! :happy1:
But maybe next time when you want to model, get a reference image, it will make the process much easier!


Thank you for your feedback! I’ll try to do that next time!

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In this post you’re asking for feedback on the model as-is (in my interpretation). You can’t really use the excuse of how long it took you to make to invalidate others’ opinions.


The model doesn’t really remind me of a revolver nor any type of gun, it just looks like 3 cylinders slapped together and called a “gun.” I recommend learning blender more, using a reference image (so that it looks more accurate), and giving yourself more time to make it good (2 minutes is nowhere near enough time.) Sorry for the harsh feedback, just my honest opinion (which you are asking for.)

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it remotely look like revolver, there is no place for bullet, no barrel, no hole for bullet coming out, and no proper texturing and shape joining.

A perfect placeholder for a gun, if that is what you’re going for, then you make it perfectly, if not, the model has a new purpose. It’s way better than what I can do, I can only model well in Roblox studio sadly.

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I really hate to be rude but please spend more than 2 minutes on something and put a little bit of effort before posting it on the devforum for feedback, and don’t use the two minutes to invalidate a simple fact.

take some time and use more than 3 shapes to make a model and then we (as in the people of the devforum) can give you some proper feedback.


Like the other people said, feedback is more impactful and goes a long way the more time you spend on the creation because we get a clearer idea of what your goals are. It’s okay to get early feedback, but I think this is too barebones for us to judge. You need to have the basic components of a revolver first, such as a hammer, trigger and trigger guard, properly modeled cylinder with chambers for the rounds, etc.

I suggest you to spend more time on it and come back to us with an updated model. Good luck!


Get a reference model, and make the clip actually look like one. Great start, and I can see your use of loop cuts!

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You should at least add holes to the barrel so it looks like there are places for bullets

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Shade Smooth will really make it look better.

Use something like this for a reference, using SHIFT A

Little rusty is an over statement.

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I think somethings missing.