Revolving Studios Security Rules and Information

Trainee Rules:

1: Please do not ask for trainings.

2: Uniforms are required at all times in the RSS training facility for ranks L-Tier guardsmen+

3: Exploits,Glitches, injections and hacks are not allowed.

4: Packages are allowed but be sure to make sure its not overwhelming. If you are unsure if your package is suitable, you may ask a trainer+ if it is.

5: Do not pretend to be a higher rank than your current rank.

6: Modded uniforms(Customs) may only be worn by Recruitment Officers+

7: Only 2 Trainer assistants are allowed per training.(TA)

8: Training times may vary depending on the trainer. The minimum time is 10 minutes and max is 3 hours. Please do not complain about these.

  1. This should be common sense but being racist or discriminating against other people is very serious and will lead to an instant demotion to the rank of trainee. (This applies to staff also._

  2. Being Rude to higher ranks will lead to a demotion or an exile.(Applies to all ranks)

Trainer Rules:

1: Volts may only be given in a sensible manner.

2: Do not kick trainees unless you have to.

3: Do not promote anyone past [MR] Recruitment Team. Doing so without permission and acceptance from one of the vice chairmen or the chairman will result in a ban.

4: Promotions must be handled at the end of each training session.(Unless there is an acceptance from HR about a trainee that has enough Volts for the next rank, but has to leave early.)

6: Custom events may only be done by HRs.

7: If you are selecting TAs (Trainer assistants) they must be an Advanced Guardsmen or a Recruitment Officer in the Recruitment Team.

8: There are only to be a max of 2 TAs.

9: You may create other teams but they must have a sensible name.

10: Act mature.

11: Trainers must host at least 1 time per month.

12: There can only be a max of one trainer per training.

13: Trainers must not have long waits in between events(while selecting.) Only a max of 2 mins is allowed while changing maps.

14: You must wait at least 3 hours after the last training before another one can happen.

Executive Rules:

1: You are the head of the group so please be mature.

2: If you are attending the training you may co-host without permission from the trainer unless the trainer is a higher rank than you.

3: Your job is to watch and judge the trainer and reporting feedback to the heads of security(vice chairmen) and the chairman.

4: Do not demote anyone without permission from the vice chairman+.

5: All strikes given will be required to be recorded by you.

6: No rankings higher than Recruitment Officer without the vice chairmen permissions(itchyiorn,badydoomb1.)

7: You are allowed casual wear as long as it is suitable and not inappropriate.

Striking system info:

1: Strikes are given if you break any rule.

2: All strikes are recorded by Executives and will not be changed once recorded.

3: You get 5 Strikes, if you use them all you will be permanently banned.

Striking punishments:
Warnings(Warnings only applied in the training center):
Level 1- Verbal warning
Level 2- Kick
Level 3- 1 day ban
(After the player has gone past 3 warnings, the admin will move onto the bans section.)

Level 1-2: Ban from the training server and a word with the staff to keep an eye on you.(1 day ban from training server)

Level 3-4: 2 day ban from training server and being monitored

Level 5-6: Exile from group

Level 7: Permanent exile and permanent ban.