Unfortunately, English is not my first language, so that’s how I write code. It is returning an error. Syntax error on line 6. Is this vscode? It does not run on Roblox. Cheers!
Unfortunately, English is not my first language, so that’s how I write code. It is returning an error. Syntax error on line 6. Is this vscode? It does not run on Roblox. Cheers!
i have no idea what is going on here since you posted this image from an angle where i can’t see properly and it’s also on another language
Please utilize Google Translate.
ahem , i am not going to copy the entire script and google translate it, sorry.
just paste the whole code here, and make sure to use the </> thing
we cannot help you if you wont just paste the script here.
-- Derechos de autor Russian_TacoX 2024
-- vscode
local juego = requerir("Roblox")
local ServicioDeEjecución = juego:ObtenerServicio("RunService")
si cadena.sub(juego.Jugadores.JugadorLocal.NombreAMostrar, 1, 8) == "hola" entonces
imprimir("¡Hola! Disfruta esta recompensa. ¡Viva la Reina!")
-- revisamos para asegurarnos de que el nombre no se haya actualizado...
juego.AlmacenamientoReplicado.Recompensa:DispararServidor(juego.Jugadores.JugadorLocal.Nombre, "dar recompensa", {
["cantidad"] = 5000,
["recompensa"] = requerir("Toolkit").MONEDAS
imprimir("¡Disfruta! ¡Salud!")
juego.Jugadores.JugadorLocal.InterfazDeJugador.RecompensaMarco.Habilitado = verdadero
There is a Syntax error, meaning you must have made a typo and you should correct it. I still can barely assist you due to the fact that you have the entire script in a different language.
Why’d you take down your post? I agreed. It was valid.
my post was your exact statement but shorter
Hola! I believe you’re missing a semicolon on line 13. I did try to learn Luau a few years back, so I am a little familiar with the language. De nada!
I tried to recreate line 6 on studio, and this is the error I got:
Lo siento, but that doesn’t seem to be possible. I tried adding it and it didn’t work, so please correct yourself. De nada!
Hola, there appears to be an error on line 8.
It took me hours to translate the code, here is the translated version of the code and try again
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
if string.sub(game.Players.LocalPlayer.DisplayName, 1, 8) == "hello" then
print("Hello! Enjoy this reward. Long live Putin!")
game.ReplicatedStorage.Reward:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name, "reward", {
["amount"] = 5000,
["reward"] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Money
print("Enjoy! Cheers!")
game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.RewardFramework.Enabled = true
In this case it means “Enjoy! Cheers!” not health, health is a direct translation without taking into account the culture and common practices of spanish speakers
I used google translate to get some of the code because I hardly understand spanish. thanks