Reward System for Roblox Contributors

Roblox is a fantastic service for young people to gain experience with development in a variety of design areas.

Many of you are also contributors to Roblox, in developing games, helping friends, or supporting
fellow developers through this site, the devforum. But at the end of the day, Roblox is a business, their staff is getting paid (and rightfully so), but contributors whose thoughts and ideas are implemented simply get forgotten.

I know that some at Roblox will not like this idea, but I feel my contributions to the site are worth something. So I am suggesting a benefit and rewards system that can be granted to users who contribute to the benefit of Roblox’s site.

This system would be managed of course by Roblox.
It would be applicable to users who do NOT work for Roblox directly (like me).
The rewards could come in a few forms:

  • One of rewards: A sum of Robux sent to the user who has benefited the business in some way.
  • Tier system: A sort of rank system, but the higher the rank you are as a contributor, the better the rewards to receive.

In the tier system, the rewards may develop like so:

  1. Discount on purchases (including BC purchases)
  2. Robux sent to the user’s account or group.
  3. Sponsorships for games (?)
  4. 1-3 Month free BC (etc, up to TBC the highest reward)

As both a developer, and un-employed contributor to Roblox, I believe the time and effort I put into my games and this business is valuable.

EDIT: Examples

I made this post recently suggesting a slight change to how the Explorer window works in Studio - it is a small change, but it could improve a user’s proficiency when using Studio, especially builders.

If the suggestion is approved and shipped, then it could be considered a contribution to Roblox, as it helps users to use Studio a little better.
Happy customers (studio users), happy business (Roblox).

Another example, if a user who has excellent scripting knowledge helps many users find the solution to a scripting problem, he or she could be considered a contributor as well.


That may promote an ulterior motive

It’s not like I have anything else to spend my free time at school on.


What does this mean? Overall the post is really vague and hard to reply to since you never explicitly mention what “contributions” people would be rewarded for.

Make sure to also remember how many resources you already get free and practically unlimited access to as a Roblox user/developer.


For example.
I made this post recently suggesting a slight change to how the Explorer window works in Studio - it is a small change, but it could improve a user’s proficiency when using Studio, especially builders.

If the suggestion is approved and shipped, then it could be considered a contribution to Roblox, as it helps users to use Studio a little better.
Happy customers (studio users), happy business (Roblox).

Another example, if a user who has excellent scripting knowledge helps many users find the solution to a scripting problem, he or she could be considered a contributor as well.

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Why was this post tagged with a hand pointing at it in my notification stream :confused:


Apologies, I was not sure who to contact, and I have seen you a number of times responding in other posts.

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Then why not ask money for it?


I don’t see my name anywhere on the post, how did you notify me? Is there something when you make a post to invisibly tag people?

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There is an ‘Invite’ button below, next to Reply, and I looked up the list of users of the site with high reply counts. I just recognised your name.
Apologies again for disturbing you.


Good point but I felt that was a bit too cheeky… Haha.


In life you don’t get a reward for showing up.

If you feel your work is not being valued find ways of contributing that is valued to others. If your contribution is mainly social, find a group that will pay you to manage their ranks and members.

Anything can be monetized but the responsibility is on you to find a way to contribute that people are willing to pay for. If something is not worth your time, then don’t do it. Change it up.


Very true.

As I started, I wanted other developers opinions on the suggestion.
I enjoy contributing regardless whether or not I get paid, I have volunteered on a number of occasions.

All I’m saying is, it would be nice.
Anyway, the thought is out there.


I disagree. When someone makes a contribution that person is trying to help others. If a reward were to be given, that it would shift from wanting to help others to wanting to help the person that made the contribution.



So, you want to get paid for being invited into the DevForums and suggesting stuff?
I really don’t understand this. Could you clarify your post to make it constructive or describe what you are actually getting at? If it is what I think it is, I really hope I’m mistaken about it.


How much are you expecting as a reward…? We probably have upwards of 10,000 feature requests on the forum – Roblox isn’t going to dole out $20 for each one. Unless you’re posting hundreds of threads in #platform-feedback, any sort of reward is going to be negligible. If you are making that many threads, then just apply for a job at Roblox?