Rewarding Players for Liking the Game

I’ve noticed that many big games have a feature where they reward players for liking the game. I’m curious about how to implement such a feature myself. Would I require a proxy or something similar for this to work and how?


Pretty sure this is against ToS and just straight up impossible, though I’ve seen games bluff into making players like the game. They say something like “Join the group and like the game to get a reward!” and end up only checking if you joined the group, hoping that you had to at least join the group so you probably liked the game too.

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You would, you would just require the UniverseId of your game (game.GameId), and then gather the data given from the Request, example topic here:

No, there arent any rules against proxies, or HTTP Requests for roblox, the only reason roblox doesnt allow it natively is for security, which they are planning to allow for certain domains to be accessible to the service.

Let me know if you find anything that nullifies this.

However, it would be much simpler to check if they are in a group using Player:IsInGroup(), as compared to gathering the players whole list of favorites, not to mention the HTTP Request can take a couple of seconds to return any data.


You would indeed need a proxy.

The flaw with this method is that the Request for the vote status of a user is only available to the authenticated user, hence you can’t just check a user’s vote status by their user id or something like that. Needless to say, you cannot make a request on the behalf of their user authenticated as them.

The only viable approach here I see is checking amount of upvotes for a game before and after the user tries to claim the reward, but this is obviously useless, and will never work well.