Rework the price of free UGC limited copies

Hello I’m Ryxku and I’m here to make a feature request by giving my reasons based on my Roblox experience as a legacy UGC Creator.

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to afford ugc limiteds since Roblox made Public UGC.
I’ve been on the Roblox platform since 2016 (aka DarkBegin) and became an UGC Creator when I got my upload permissions when the limited UGCs started to be produced by the Creator UGCs at the time.
Today, it’s shameful that Roblox charges such ridiculous prices to sell UGC limiteds, whether they’re free copies or not.

And why do I say it’s shameful?

. Firstly because Roblox has not been well prepared for the UGC public, we can see that moderation is catastrophic, that the Roblox documentation related to UGC limiteds has not been updated in all languages which leaves us all confused except for the English.
Yes, and I recently discovered that paying for 100 copies of UGC limiteds that aren’t free costs the same as paying for 3000 copies of UGCs that aren’t limiteds.

Since the ugc has gone public, there have been fewer new copies of limiteds in circulation. And yes, because nobody likes to sell, but people like to give, even though it’s expensive.

Did the people at Roblox who came up with this new price per copy think it was a good idea? Would a young person want to spend over $100 to give custom hats to their friends? Not even to be able to give 100, but less of course.
The most likely answer would be no, and there are so many factors that make you not want to spend that much.

Is there still a demand for new UGC limiteds?

. From my point of view, I’d say no, because there are too many UGC limiteds in the marketplace, and it’s become very commonplace these days to own several!
In most people’s minds, UGC limiteds don’t and never will have the same hype as official Roblox limiteds. Simply because Roblox charges more and our UGCs are non-exchangeable.
UGC limiteds are so commonplace that they’re not worth their price either, because I never managed to sell all the copies of my first ugc limited, which I released over 1 year ago!

Who is taking advantage of the new price to upload free ugc?

-There are some winners today who make a lot of money for Roblox, let’s face it, and they’re the brands! Like adidas, Nike, the Olympic Games etc., and yes now you have to be a big company to afford and upload around 10k-300k free copies:

Who benefited most from free UGC limiteds before UGC went public?

. All UGC Creators benefited, yet it wasn’t free and it was hard work for many of us but at the end we were almost fine with this!
Stars Creators also benefited, because they could express their generosity to their fans!
And guess what? Non-UGC Creators could benefit thanks to social links, friends and their uploaders. It was a way to publish a game and get players!

But in the end, who are the real winners on Roblox, those who sell the most UGCs and make the most money with them?

. The UGC Createurs who have been in the program for several years, some of whom even took advantage of flooding the catalog with their accessories at one time - their hats were seen everywhere! And thanks to the algorithm, hats sold by profiteers will never be forgotten, because they make money.

In the end, all this is to say to Roblox that if your aim was to make uploading UGC limiteds more accessible than before, well you’re totally wrong. You’ve even created the opposite.
Before UGC went public, many small creators took their courage in both hands and contacted those who could upload without even having to pay Premium.
Back then, limiteds were easier to moderate, and people had the time to keep up with new releases. Today, you’ve created an out-of-control catalog in the naive belief that AI will be able to do the work for you.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve the whole marketplace because in my opinion, if you want Roblox to remain a platform for creators and developers of all ages, you should back off with your public ugc and lower the price per copy of the free limited ugc.
Because if you continue on this path, the big brands will take advantage everywhere on Roblox, but maybe you don’t care because they’ll make you more money than we young developers spend on your platform.
You hold all the cards!


So you want to cost to be lowered so the fake valkyries, dominus (whatever) ripoffs can be easily distributed to the people who don’t want to pay what actual owners paid?

Yeah, I get that there are valid UGC creators who don’t participate in handing out these copies of popular limiteds (or just desired items in general created by ROBLOX such as Headless) but I don’t think this change should really happen until ROBLOX steps up their moderation for UGC.

Fake Valkyries are not the source of all the problems, this was around long before Public UGC and it has only gotten worse.
This is a problem of moderation, which has nothing to do with the cost of importation. Not everyone uploads valkyrie.


Like I’ve said before,

I get that there are valid UGC creators

But until they have proper moderation for UGC, it shouldn’t be decreased.

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There’s no point waiting for UGC moderation to improve because moderation in UGC limiteds is not a common problem. Those who have fun deceiving moderation upload accessories in non-limited.

No, imma be real, paywalls are classist and don’t even work.

There’s gonna be a flood of fake limiteds because people do what they want, and people are hard to control.

Wether Imma upload a high quality UGC, or upload a low quality Valkyrie knockoff, it doesn’t matter, it only matters if I am lower class, or if I’m middle class.

People like to forget that lower class people are people, and are deserving of the same opportunities as the middle class.