REx: Reincarnated - World 2 Full Changelog

World Two
A new world, requiring 50,000 blocks mined to enter. Taking place in a massive subsurface ravine in the earth, it introduces lots of new content, making this the biggest content update in REx:Reincarnated yet.
This world adds:

  • 155 new ores.
  • 8 new pickaxes:
    - Permafrost Pick, tier 3. Uses ice cubes that grow spikes to mine blocks.
    - Poison Pickaxe, tier 4. Shoots three blobs of poison that drip venom down to mine blocks.
    - Electraver, tier 4. Shoots jolts of electricity to mine blocks.
    - Dimensional Scythe, tier 5. Uses wormhole warping and black/white holes to not only mine blocks but to regenerate blocks.
    - Celestial Smasher, tier 5. Conjures different celestial objects such as comets, meteors, asteroids, and constellations to mine blocks.
    - Moon Scepter, tier 7. Harnesses the light of the moon to mine blocks.
    - Soul Scythe, tier 7. Uses the player’s statistics to boost its own strength, mining and duplicating blocks with wisps, chains, slashes, as well as portals that leave behind blocks that passively increase luck.
    - Prism of Chaos, tier 8. Turns light into pure energy, shooting out many colorful shards of glass, conjuring prisms, as well as having an activated ability that boosts the players speed and mining significantly.
  • 10 new gears:
    - Matterbomb, tier 4. Its explosion can have a chain reaction when destroying other blocks.
    - Spiral Striker, tier 5. A chisel that can sometimes mine extra blocks, similarly to Stone Ravager, as well as mining ores with a disc-shaped minigalaxy.
    - Shattering Heart, tier 5. A cold heart that shatters and explodes when another heart appears. Has a 50% luckboost for special cave ores.
    - T1 Terraformer, tier 6. A powerful blaster that creates a black hole on use.
    - Coronal Carpetbomb, tier 6. A bunch of tiny little bombs strapped together, unraveling when thrown with each little bomb exploding.
    - Plasmonium Neutralizer, tier 6. Allows the player to blacklist any event from the server, with a limit of 3 per server (only 1 per player, though). Also allows blacklisting an ore from the player… not sure why that would be particularly useful, but it’s there if you ever want it!
    - Obliveracy Obliterator, tier 7. A powerful bomb from the void harnessed to mine all non-layer ores in a massive radius as well as all ores in a large radius.
    - Cube Collector, tier 7. A cube that conjures more cubes when blocks are mined. When enough cubes are collected, they are shot out in random directions, mining blocks in its path.
    - Subspace Tripmine, tier 7. A mine that detonates when stepped on, but disarms when not touched for 10 seconds. When a mine is disarmed, a stacking boost to the bomb’s blast radius and luck boost is applied, up to 5 times. If mines are detonated consecutively, a 25% luck boost is given instead.
    - Vitriol Vigor, tier 7. A powerful coil that makes your ability rates start out low, but quickly increases as more blocks appear in the mine.
  • 5 new cave types.
  • 15 new events, 11 of which having many unique effects applied to the mine, as well as pickaxes and gears, for their duration.
  • An enormous map with a lot to explore and many secrets to find.

Paid Access Benefits
We decided that it’d be a bad idea to lock something beneficial and irreplaceable behind something you can never get, not to mention a paywall, so we only did two small things for this. And it’s… one dollar.

  • Feeb Plushie - a gear of feep that you can hug or throw around.
  • Chat Tag - You get a little symbol signifying you’re a pre-release player next to your name.
    There also might be a pickaxe skin in the future, when those release. But they don’t exist yet, so…

Gamepass Price Changes

  • Raised Ore Placer gamepass from 200 to 320 Robux. With the full release, it’ll be more chaotic… also we need revenue…
  • Raised No Teleportation Fee gamepass from 40 to 80 Robux. The lowest amount of Robux you can purchase is 80. Also 320+80 is 400, which is the 2nd lowest. Makes it convenient for people who want to buy the gamepasses.

General Changes

  • Two new tiers for ores to be sorted into;
    - Exotic has been split in half, now being 1M to 7.5M, and a new tier, Exquisite, being 7.5M to 15M. Exquisite tier ores have the same ionization rates as Transcendent tier ores.
    - Unfathomable has had its ceiling break off into Otherworldly, with all ores above 775M being in its tier. These ores have the same ionization rate of unfathomable ores.
    Both new tiers have their own spawn sounds, and Exquisite has its own message.
  • Enigmatic now has its own spawn sound separate from the Transcendent tier.
  • Added Pingless (predictive) mining, allowing users on any* server connection speeds to mine at a fast, consistent speed, being at around the equivalent 60-65ms ping. (*will still be unbearable to play on connections with very bad ping)
  • Changed trading requirements based on blocks mined;
    Note, for the following, the requirements above 1M blocks mined are for trading AWAY these tiers of ores; you can receive them as long as you have the ability to trade.
    - Any players above 1M blocks mined can trade Mythic, Exotic, and Exquisite tier ores.
    - A user needs 5M blocks mined to trade away Transcendent tier ores.
    - A user needs 15M blocks mined to trade away any Enigmatic tier ores.
    - A user needs 30M blocks mined to trade away any Unfathomable tier ores.
    - A user needs 50M blocks mined to trade away any Otherworldly tier ores.
    - Zenith tier ores are still untradeable.
  • Improved script speed and performance on both the server and client, allowing for a smoother experience.
  • Optimized memory usage, greatly helping players on lower end devices such as mobile.
  • Added Xbox and Controller compatibility. :video_game:
  • Ore rarities made more accurate by sorting the order in which ores have their chances rolled, with rarest being first.
    Only really marginally changes rarities, even in the most extreme cases like Legacy Voidirinite, where the change is still small. It’s always still good to be accurate, though.
    The same change has also been done for cave types, where rarer cave types are rolled first.
  • Caves are now affected when generated by gears, getting the gear’s luck boost applied to its generated blocks rather than the player’s pickaxe. Caves also are now stained by gears. These only apply if the cave is generated by the gear, not just if you have it equipped.
  • Rescripted datastores, protecting the game better from data loss or dupe bug methods.
  • Changed how ores are loaded in, now using clientsided scripts rather than normal scripts, and constraints rather than spin scripts.
  • Added an option in the settings menu to toggle between R6 and R15 character models. The character scaling is locked 1:1 with R6.

UI Overhaul

  • Changed the ? mark button to a bar with several buttons for the menu.
  • Menu UI received a full visual redesign.
  • Layer teleportation board received a visual redesign.
  • Added a pickaxe tab to the menu, allowing the user to equip any owned pickaxes from anywhere.
  • Added a gears tab to the menu, allowing the user to equip and unequip any owned gears from anywhere.
  • Converted the Quick Travel board to part of the menu UI.
  • Converted the Private Server board to part of the menu UI, including a β€œFriends Playing” section to join any friends in their servers.
  • Added a Playerlist tab to the menu – mobile users can now send trades using this, as well as view their blocks mined count easily.
  • Added a Worlds tab to the menu, allowing for users to teleport to any Main worlds from anywhere.
  • Added tiers to all gears on menus to distinguish their power.
  • Converted Transformation, Blacksmith, Gear Shop, and Ore Selling boards to screen UIs that appear when at the shop’s location.
  • Added new tabs to the Blacksmith and Gear Shop menus that list off all abilities for Pickaxes and Gears more in-depth with statistics and descriptions. The abilities are also shown in the new Pickaxe and Gear menu tabs.
  • Added search filters to the ore info menu, allowing ores shown to be filtered by their layer, whether they are cave exclusive or not, and to sort the menu from rarest to most common and vice versa.
  • Added a new settings menu, including settings for ore sounds, global messages, trading, rare ore spawn sounds, rare ore spawn effects, and inventory tab scaling sizes.
  • Added new Sorting methods for the inventory, allowing the user to sort their inventory based on Alphabetical order, Rarity, Date added, and World.

World 1 Changes

  • Overhauled the World 1 map, now being full and polished. The new map is fully partbuilt rather than using primarily terrain and meshes. Also features new Feebs, and some other secrets.
  • Added Quick Travel buttons for Transformation, Ore Selling, and Gear Shop locations.
  • Added a new tier 5 pickaxe, the Crystallized Pickaxe. Features a new mechanic where Cave Shards can be found in caves, and alter abilities when activated. There are 3 types of cave shards, each with a unique modifier, and the type is picked by the user.
  • Trinity Claymore has received a rework as well as being increased from tier 5 to 6. The Light Beam ability is no longer random, but is rather manually activated once enough of each of the three normal abilities are used.
  • 57 Leaf Clover has received a new ability that mines ores in a halfsphere-shaped area.
  • Candilium Candle has been entirely reworked, going from being an Offhand gear to a Coil-type gear. It increases speed and maximum health (which, yes, exists for a reason), as well as giving a x1.06 luck multiplier to all blocks generated by the player - this stacks with other luck boosts multiplicatively, making a x1 luck boost now a x1.06, and a x2 luck boost a x2.12. It is NOT a flat 0.06 added to an ability’s luck.

Subworld 1 Changes

  • The map border around the mine is no longer deep, so ores no longer get trapped :grin:
  • Added a Quick Travel button for the Transformation cave.
  • Removed lights from Moon Core to increase performance and reduce eye pain.
  • Heavily nerfed getting into Rocc – Garnet now has a base rate of 1/1500 (formerly 2000) to spawn in Moonrock, and is halved to 750 by using Candilium Candle. 57 Leaf Clover no longer affects this chance. Caves can now also break through Moonrock, making it significantly easier.

Tutorial World Changes

  • Made many changes to accommodate the new UI and code, as well as recipe changes to the pickaxe and gear.

Balancing Changes
The game has received a complete rebalancing, for many reasons;

  1. Many pickaxes and gears are outclassed by other things in the same tier.
  2. The current power of high tier equipment (tier 6 and 7 pickaxes/gears) are way too high considering being in the middle of the tier chart, which in the future would make Tier 10 pickaxes and Tier 8 gears require either absurdly high luck bonuses or would be way too laggy with their sheer mining power, making the game much less playable and balanced, as well as completely trivializing rare ores like Unfathomable or Otherworldly tier ores.
  3. Some recipes were way too easy, hard, or uneven in difficulty distribution.

With reasoning out of the way, here are the following changes to preexisting pickaxes and gears, as well as recipes for them along with transformations.

Poly Pickaxe

  • 50% chance to duplicate Rare (orange) and below tier ores. Formerly Master (purple) tier and below.

Steel Sickle

  • Extra block mined chance from 24 to 15.

Big Slammer

  • Rate decreased from 32 to 55.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 25000 Mantle + Magma β†’ 20000
    - 1500 Bedrock β†’ 1000
    - 900 Gold β†’ 800
    - 30 Palladium β†’ 25
    - 15 Cobalt β†’ 10
    - 20 Chroma Contaris β†’ 15
    - 7 Uranium β†’ 5
    - 3 Bluesteel β†’ 2
    - 3 Osmium β†’ 2
    - 2 Sunstone β†’ 1

Darkstone Pick

  • Rate increased from 30 to 24.
  • Radius decreased from 5 to 4.
  • Blue Pulse radius decreased from 9 to 7.
  • Darts shot out now mine a block again. :woozy_face:
  • Recipe changes:
    - 150000 Obsidian β†’ 120000
    - 600 Ruby β†’ 750
    - 150 Obsidian Glass β†’ 110
    - 15 Painite β†’ 10
    - 8 Black Diamond β†’ 5
    - 5 Adurite β†’ 4

Trinity Claymore

  • Luck increased from 1 to 1.6.
  • Lightbeam functionality changed (read World 1 Changes).
  • Freon Shard rate increased from 40 to 39.
  • Flaeon Bomb rate increased from 41 to 39.
  • Freon Shard count decreased from 6-14 to 4-12.
  • Freon Shard maximum pierce decreased from 7 to 5.
  • Freon Shards now perform much better due to script changes, despite the stat nerfs.
  • Poiseon Spray shot amount decreased from 12-16 to 10-16 .
  • Flaeon Bomb radius decreased from 2 to 1.
  • Flaeon Bomb duration nearly doubled.
  • Recipe Changes: (buffed hard because it went up a tier)
    - 23333 Celestone β†’ 26666
    - 8333 Silver β†’ 10333
    - 696 Amber β†’ 933
    - 533 Bismuth β†’ 633
    - 76 Chrysoberyl β†’ 93
    - 23 Incinderium β†’ 33
    - 20 Sunstone β†’ 26
    - Added 8 Rainbonite
    - 1 Freon, Poiseon, and Flaeon β†’ 2 per

57 Leaf Clover

  • Luck decreased from 3 to 2.5.
  • Pinned ore luck decreased from 4.5 to 3.
  • Special cave type multiplier decreased from 2.5 to 1.5.
  • Green Slash rate decreased from 45 to 57.
  • Green Slash velocity slightly increased.
  • Green Slash’s rate is now again affected by ability rate modifiers such as Elementonic, but its size is no longer affected.
  • Now has a new ability (read World 1 Changes).
  • Recipe changes:
    - 5700 Emerald β†’ 3700
    - 800 Olivine β†’ 700
    - 570 Cobalt β†’ 520
    - 45 Alexandrite β†’ 40
    - 20 Rainbonite β†’ 15
    - 15 Elusium+Elysian β†’ 12
    - 8 Alternium β†’ 4
    - 4 Unobtanium β†’ 3
    - 6 Chromatite β†’ 4

Christmas Crusher

  • Heavily increased performance (less awful with lag).
  • Base luck increased from 1 to 1.4.
  • Bell luck increased from 1.6 to 2.
  • Bell rate reduced from 40 to 60.
  • Christmas Light luck increased from 2.5 to 3.
  • Christmas Light rate reduced from 50 to 45.
  • Ornament Bomb rate reduced from 10 to 12.
  • Ornament Bomb radius reduced from 1-2 to 1.
  • Gift rate reduced from 220 to 300 (still has a 60s cooldown).
  • Yellow gift rate increased reduced from 2.25 to 1.5, but now stacks with Elementonic.
  • Green gift luck reduced from 5 to 3.

Legacy Trinity Claymore

  • Tri-mine ability now has a rate of 3 rather than being guaranteed.
  • Now has a 1/3 chance to duplicate ores and a 1/3 chance to triple ores, rather than 1/4 chance to duplicate and 1/4 chance to triple.
  • Recipe completely redone. Not gonna list off the entire thing…

Nostalgic Axe

  • Luck decreased from 1.75 to 1.5.
  • Rate decreased from 55 to 60.
    Recipe changes:
    - 150000 Obsidian β†’ 80000
    - 100000 Granite β†’ 50000
    - 50000 Stone β†’ 30000
    - 1400 Emerald β†’ 1100
    - 1200 Ruby β†’ 900
    - 1000 Amethyst β†’ 800
    - 850 Platinum β†’ 750
    - 160 Sapphire β†’ 145
    - 100 Diamond β†’ 90
    - 65 Turquoise β†’ 70
    - 10 Adurite+Viridian β†’ 7


  • Luck decreased from 1.7 to 1.5
  • Rate decreased from 50 to 72, but is now affected by rate multipliers. Number of orbs is still affected by rate multipliers.
  • Orb limit fixed (it was a global value rather than per-player… oops)
  • Orb lifetime decreased from 6s to 4.8s.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 25000 nil β†’ 20000
    - 47500 Lithium β†’ 42500
    - 14000 Scandium β†’ 13000
    - 13500 Strontium β†’ 12500
    - 6750 Platinum β†’ 6000
    - 6000 Titanium β†’ 5500
    - 750 Chrome β†’ 650
    - 225 Corroplat β†’ 200
    - 100 Legacy Jet β†’ 80
    - 55 Chambersite β†’ 45
    - 15 Uldarite β†’ 10
    - 3 Inktite β†’ 2

Jump Coil

  • Jump height decreased from 28 to 22.
  • Cost reduced from $80 to $10.

Speed Coil

  • Cost reduced from $100 to $10.

Core Frag

  • Rate decreased from 165 to 200.
  • Cost reduced from $150 to $50.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 15 Core Fragment β†’ 10
    - 8 Magnesium β†’ 5

Thundarian Coil

  • Speed decreased from 24 to 22.
  • Cost reduced from $500 to $250.

Acceleratium Coil

  • Jump decreased from 33 to 14.
  • Speed increased from 16 to 20.
  • Cost reduced from $500 to $250.

Frost Coil

  • Health reduced from 100 to 50. (yes, this does matter)
  • Speed reduced from 28.5 to 26.

Blazuine Molotov

  • Rate increased from 120 to 95.
  • Cost reduced from $2000 to $1000.

Accretium Fireball

  • Rate increased from 192 to 150.
  • Cost reduced from $2000 to $1000.

Temporum Timebomb

  • Luck increased from 1 to 1.6.
  • Rate increased from 140 to 85.
  • Cost reduced from $2000 to $1000.

Coal Smokebomb

  • Rate increased from 100 to 70.

Neptunium Nuke

  • Rate increased from 240 to 130.
  • Cost reduced from $7500 to $3000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 20000 Quartz β†’ 16000
    - 14000 Silver β†’ 12000
    - 10 Solid Bromine β†’ 15
    - 3 Chromatite β†’ 2
    - 2 Neptunium β†’ 2

Combustal Clusterbomb

  • Rate increased from 155 to 105.
  • Cost reduced from $7500 to $3000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 5 Lanthanite replaced with 3 Zefendium.
    - 3 Combustal β†’ 2

Erodimium Bomb

  • Rate increased from 77 to 40.
  • Radius size is more consistently 2, rather than 2 to 3.
  • Cost reduced from $7500 to $3000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 5 Promethium β†’ 6

Suncindium Flashbang

  • Rate increased from 90 to 40.
  • Radius size is more consistently 2, rather than 2 to 3.
  • Cost reduced from $7500 to $3000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 40 Osmium β†’ 45
    - 20 Sunstone β†’ 30
    - 3 Solarite β†’ 5

Luminatite Lantern

  • Rate increased from 70 to 44.
  • Number of maximum orbs per activation increased from 3 to 4.
  • Cost reduced from $7500 to $3000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - Added 11000 Etherstone.
    - 180 Chroma Contaris replaced with 550 Bismuth.
    - 35 Osmium replaced with 30 Black Diamond.

Phantasm Lantern

  • Rate increased from 115 to 90.
  • Radius increased to be 3 rather than 2 to 3.
  • Normal luck increased from 1.7 to 2 (still 3.5 for the strong activation).

Polarium Tunneler

  • Luck reduced from 1.45 to 1.3.
  • Rate increased from 122 to 70.
  • Cost reduced from $20000 to $7500.
  • Recipe changes:
    - Added 15000 Prismatistone.
    - 150000 Coal β†’ 120000
    - 100000 Copper β†’ 75000
    - 75000 Quartz β†’ 65000
    - 3250 Bismuth β†’ 2750
    - 1400 Ancient Bronze β†’ 1100
    - 1200 Cobalt+Chroma Contaris β†’ 1000
    - 260 Painite β†’ 240

Cybernetium Radar

  • Cost reduced from $20000 to $7500.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 1750 Cobalt β†’ 1400
    - 444 Bluesteel β†’ 333
    - 180 Black Diamond β†’ 140
    - 100 Tanzanite β†’ 80
    - 80 Elysian β†’ 50
    - 15 Nocturnite β†’ 12

Freeze Frag

  • Heavily increased performance.
  • Rate increased from 165 to 160.
  • Shard count reduced from 80-130 to 40-90, but shards are much more consistent.


  • Special cave type ore luck modifier increased from 1.2 to 2.
  • Luck reduced from 3.75 to 1.5.
  • Rate reduced from 35 to 90.
  • Radius reduced from 2 to 1.
  • (why was this gear so good when we did tests wow its underrated)

Candilium Candle

  • Received a full rework, refer to World 1 Changes.
  • Cost reduced from $35000 to $15000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 350000 Copper β†’ 300000
    - 50000 Emerald β†’ 40000
    - 10000 Amber β†’ 8500
    - 550 Core Fragment β†’ 480
    - 200 Petrified Wood β†’ 175
    - 240 Viridian β†’ 225
    - 85 Promethium β†’ 75
    - Added 5 Thundarian.
    - Added 4 Flaeon.
    - Added 3 Scertanium.


  • Ability rate buff now affects gears (no, it did not prior).
  • Uptime jump power reduced from 36 to 7.2.
  • Uptime speed reduced from 25 to 24.
  • Uptime health increase reduced from 100 to 50.
  • Downtime speed reduced from 2 to -6.
  • Downtime health reduction increased from -10 to -50.
  • Cost reduced from $35000 to $15000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 1500 Chrysoberyl β†’ 1300
    - 1200 Magnesium β†’ 950
    - 660 Painite β†’ 600
    - 250 Alexandrite β†’ 190
    - 190 Solid Bromine β†’ 150
    - 100 Elysian β†’ 90
    - 100 Elusium β†’ 80
    - 50 Vanadinite β†’ 40

Lucidium Locator

  • Reworked; Now allows you to choose between whether you want to boost or end an event.
  • Boosting an event has a 1/3 chance to make the event ore 5-15% more common (in increments of 5), up to a total of ~25% reduction, when stacked. (Cannot boost rarity any further beyond 25% reduced.)
  • Boosting an event has a 2/3 chance to increase its duration by 10-30% (in increments of 10), now scaling with its base time rather than its current time left.
  • Ending an event has a 1/3 chance to replace it with another one, but otherwise just ends it.
  • If there is no ongoing event, an event is started, and does not require or expend a charge, allowing you to start an event whenever, and boost/end/replace it accordingly if you do have a charge.
  • Cost reduced from $35000 to $15000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 350000 Quartz β†’ 300000
    - 230000 Silver β†’ 200000
    - 3145 Chroma Contaris β†’ 2555
    - 1400 Musgravite β†’ 1150
    - 645 Osmium β†’ 535
    - 25 Lanthanite β†’ 24
    - 28 Unobtanium β†’ 22
    - 3 Temporum β†’ 2
    - 2 Lucidium β†’ 1

The Inktorb

  • Base luck reduced from 2 to 1.25.
  • The following events give the following bonuses to luck for their durations;
    - Blazuine, 0.2
    - Sentient Viscera, 0.4
    - Inkonium, 0.6
    - Sagittarius Quasar, 0.15
    - Heart of the Frosted, 0.1
    - Circeterra, 0.2
    - NOO S-Sing. T1, 0.3
    - Obliveracy Endmost, 0.4
  • Rate to gain charges increased from 210 to 140.
  • Rate to expend a charge (activate ability) increased from 45 to 25.
  • Cost reduced from $35000 to $15000.
  • Recipe changes:
    - 1680 Musgravite β†’ 1250
    - 350 Legacy Jet β†’ 250
    - 420 Black Diamond β†’ 340
    - 80 Spatializine β†’ 65
    - 84 Jet β†’ 76

(the money for the following transformations may have been tweaked, I have no idea, but I’m not gonna bother looking.)

Pyrite Transformation

  • Added 7 Bismuth.

Petrified Wood Transformation

  • 45 Amber β†’ 55

Coldfirium Transformation

  • 100 Ice β†’ 225

Adurite Transformation

  • 115 Ruby β†’ 165
  • Added 1 Painite.

Viridian Transformation

  • 115 Emerald β†’ 150
  • Added 2 Uranium.

Spatializine Transformation

  • 10 Chroma Contaris β†’ 20
  • 5 Musgravite β†’ 7

Rainbonite Transformation

  • 75 Bismuth β†’ 60
  • Added 1 Delectium.

Promethium Transformation

  • 9 Uranium β†’ 15
  • Added 2 Viridian.
  • Added 15 Olivine to Output.

Chromatite Transformation

  • Added 500 Prismatistone.
  • Added 250 Bismuth.
  • Removed Spatializine.
  • 1 Rainbonite β†’ 4
  • 5 Musgravite β†’ 15
  • 85 Chroma Contaris β†’ 215

Vanadinite Transformation

  • 6 Painite β†’ 8
  • 20 Ancient Bronze β†’ 30

Intoxium Transformation

  • Added 1750 Celestone.

Zefendium Transformation

  • 1 Spatializine β†’ 2
  • 15 Painite β†’ 25
  • 45 Obsidian Glass β†’ 85
  • Added 3 Black Diamond.

Astatine Transformation

Unobtanium Transformation

  • 2 Elusium β†’ 4
  • 5 Delectium β†’ 8
  • 20 Lumbonium β†’ 100

Combustal Transformation

  • 5 Vanadinite β†’ 8
  • 10 Incinderium β†’ 25
  • 50 Magnesium β†’ 90
  • Added 3 Solarite.

Neptunium Transformation

  • 2 Lanthanite β†’ 5
  • 25 Uranium replaced with 4 Newtonium.
  • 10 Osmium β†’ 25
  • 100 Chroma Contaris β†’ 500

Flaeon Transformation

  • 1 Chromatite β†’ 3
  • 13 Incinderium β†’ 33
  • 66 Ancient Bronze β†’ 333
  • Added 5 Solarite.

Freon Transformation

  • 1 Chromatite β†’ 3
  • 13 Coldfirium β†’ 23
  • 66 Ancient Bronze β†’ 333
  • Added 4 Nocturnite.

Poiseon Transformation

  • 1 Chromatite β†’ 3
  • 3 Intoxium β†’ 4
  • 66 Ancient Bronze β†’ 333
  • Added 10 Solid Bromine.

Accretium Transformation

  • 2 Solarite β†’ 4
  • 40 Chrysoberyl β†’ 50
  • 1000 Voidstone β†’ 1500
  • Added 2 Newtonium.

Exolite Transformation

  • 1 Jet β†’ 3
  • 10 Adurite β†’ 12
  • Added 8 Painite.

Ornalium Transformation

  • 3 Solarite β†’ 6
  • 2 Nocturnite β†’ 4
  • 30 Delectium β†’ 55
  • 14 Magnesium β†’ 45
  • Added 2500 Crystallized Stone.

Luminatite Transformation

  • Added 1 Vitrilyx.
  • 5 Chromatite β†’ 6
  • 50 Alexandrite β†’ 73
  • Added 3435 Etherstone.

Suncindium Transformation

  • 2 Flaeon β†’ 4
  • 2 Zefendium replaced with 5 Chromatite.
  • 2 Solarite β†’ 9

Trinitium Transformation

  • 1 Flaeon/Freon/Poiseon β†’ 2 per
  • 6 Rainbonite β†’ 10
  • Added 3 Intoxium.
  • Added 33 Coldfirium.
  • Added 33 Incinderium.
  • Added 25000 Quartz.

Corroplat Transformation

  • 3 Platinum β†’ 10

Legacy Freon Transformation

  • 25 Thorium β†’ 30
  • Replaced 3 Legacy Cryotic with 1 Cerrusite.
  • 10 Ocean Jasper β†’ 15
  • 90 Beryllium β†’ 120

Legacy Flaeon Transformation

  • 80 Garnet replaced with 6 Vegentium.
  • 3 Sporgilian β†’ 5
  • Added 12000 Magma.

Legacy Poiseon Transformation

  • 2 Chambersite replaced with 3 Vitridian.
  • 4 Leryium relpaced with 4 Gilded Gold.
  • Added 10 Radium.

Hyperstone Transformation

  • 2 EDMium/Deathinium/Electrolium β†’ 3 per

Legacy Trinitium Transformation

  • Removed.

Lutetium Transformation

  • 165 Lumbonium β†’ 125
  • Added 2 Legacy Dyronsinite.
  • Added 2 Legacy Galaxite.

Orb of Discontent Transformation

  • 15000 nil β†’ 17500
  • 25 Legacy Jet replaced with 50 Sporgilian.
  • Added 2500 Tin.
  • Added 2400 Zinc.