[RGRM] Roblox Grand Republic Military Rules and Regulations (Inactive)


This Topic is now inactive due to new ownership on RGRM as of now.

Created by: SiIentSt0rmGRW (for the rules)
Group: Roblox Grand Republic Military
Section I: General Rules
Section II: Advanced Rules
Section III: Divisional Guidelines
Section VI: Events
Section V: Promotions
Section VI: Chain of Command
Section VII: Rank Expectations
Section VIII: Map Specific Regulations
Section IX: Administrative Usage of Commands
Section X: Demotions and Disciplinary Guidelines
Section XI: Discord Guidelines

Section I: General Rules - Rules all personnel are expected to follow in-game.

Section II: Advanced Rules - Specialty rules which are subject to change.

Section III: Divisional Guidelines - Basic information and rules for Divisions of RGRM.

Section VI: Events - A list of all official and hostable events that take place in RGRM.

Section V: Promotions - Overview of how promotions are achieved and logged.

Section VI: Chain of Command - Overview of every rank and their abilities and authority.

Section VII: Rank Expectations - N/A (This wasn’t in document)

Section VIII: Map Specific Regulations - Rules that pertain only to certain maps utilized by RGRM.

Section IX: Administrative Usage of Commands - A list of commands authorized by the Supreme Commander to be used by it’s High Command.

Section X: Demotions and Disciplinary Guidelines - Overview of how demotions are given and logged.

Section XI: Discord guidelines - Rules set to be followed by all members of RGRM in any official Discords.

Section I: General Rules

Article I: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from leaving an assigned post or duty station without first contacting an officer. If no officer is available then contact the highest ranked individual on base.

Article II: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from showing signs of contempt or general hostilities to ambassadors or official allies of the Republic.

Article III: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from disrespecting a superior commissioned officer.
Article III.I: A superior commissioned officer is any member of the rank of Lieutenant or higher.

Article IV: Personnel of the Republic Military are to use proper grammar and spelling at any given time.
Article IV.I: Varying dialects of the English language, such as American or British fall within “proper grammar”.

Article V: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from assaulting or willfully disobeying a direct order from a superior commissioned officer.

Article VI: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from disrespecting or disobeying orders from a noncommissioned officer.
Article VI.I: A noncommissioned officer is any member of the rank of Sergeant and Sergeant Major.

Article VII: Personnel of Republic Military are to follow all issued orders assigned by the rank of Sergeant and above. The highest ranking individual currently present is to be first in command unless instructed otherwise by higher high command…

Article VIII: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from hacking, glitching or in any form of exploitation of official Republic establishments.

Article IX: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from assaulting other members of the Republic without official authorization.

Article X: Personnel of the Republic Military are prohibited from conducting themselves in a manner that would bring discredit to the Republic, such behaviour consists of foul language, inappropriate comments or actions whilst in uniform.

Article XI: Personnel of the Republic Military are to address all enlisted members by their rank, and all members of the officer corps with “Sir” or “Ma’am”.

Article XII: Personnel of the Republic Military are not to use any emoticons or prohibited acronyms whilst on-duty…

Article XII.I: Examples of permitted acronyms are the following:
Divisional abbreviations, frequently used formations e.g. STS, SFL, etcetera.

Article XII.II: Examples of strictly prohibited acronyms are the following:
“LOL", “AFK”, “BRB”, etcetera.

Article XIII: The breaking of any listed rule is to be immediately reported to high ranking officials via photography or video.

Article XIV: Disrespectful behaviour towards fellow members of the Republic will not be tolerated under any means.

Article XV: Rules function as intended. Personnel found bending the rules or twisting words in definition or exploiting stretched loopholes are still subject to the rule’s interpretation from High Command.

Section II: Advanced Rules

Article I: Command Post’s or CP’s located throughout RGRM games should always be captured and guarded.

Article II: Use of tanks has to be authorized by a Major and higher or by a Minor Officer or higher in the 104th Battalion.

Article III: Speeders are free to use by anyone, which does include cadets.

Article IV: You may transfer divisions if you get a discharge from your current division. Any Minor Officer or higher in a division are allowed to discharge you. Discharges can’t be declined. It is just formal to request to leave before doing so. If you leave before getting the discharge, punishable actions will be taken.

Article V: You are allowed to be apart of one division.

Article VI: Officers are required to have adequate activity by being in-game and hosting. Senior Command will host frequent reforms based on activity. There is never a demand for inactive officers.

Article VII: In order to become a Minor Officer in any division, the rank Sergeant must be achieved…

Article VIII : Life before ROBLOX. Life gets busy and unexpected events do occur. If you need to take time away, without a doubt that is your right. If you however do not notify a Commander or higher of your time away, you can and will be reformed.

Section III: Divisional Guidelines

Article I: Under no circumstances may divisional personnel show any sign of harassment, disrespect, immaturity or inability to behave properly towards other divisional operatives.

Article II: Divisional personnel are to wear their respective divisional armor at all times unless instructed otherwise by a high ranking officials.

Article III: Weaponry belonging to a certain division must only be used whilst in that division’s armor/uniform.

Article IV: Each division has its own chain of command set up. If you have any specific questions in regard of a certain division then speak to its operating commander.

Article V: Orders from Division Officers are to supersede all orders given excluding commands from Senior Command.

Article VI: Being in a Division does not grant an individual the ability to ignore orders. If no standing orders from your Division are present you’re expected to follow the orders given by Officers of the Republic Military.

Article V: Members requesting a Discharge from their division are to have remained in that division for a minimum of seven days.

Article VI: Divisions are only allowed to host four tryouts a week, this includes Field Tryouts.

Article VII: Divisions are not required to schedule tryouts and field tryouts an hour apart from other division tryouts.

Section IV: Events

Events: Raids, Field Training, Traditional Training, All-Ranks Training, Patrols, Division Tryouts and Inspections are all the events you will commonly see hosted within the Republic Military.

Raids: Held by Senior Commanders and higher, the event consists of a raid assembly then attacking a selected group.

Field Training: Held by Colonels or higher, consists of training people the regulations and rules of a map, where the Capture Points are located and what they’re named.

Traditional Training: Training held by Colonels or higher for Cadets to Sergeant Major and held on Tipoca, consisting of obbies, team-death matches, faces and rules training.

All-Ranks Training: Training held by Commanders or higher, a training which include ranks from Cadet to Major and held on Tipoca, consisting of obbies, team-death matches, faces, rules and leadership advisement.

Patrols: Held on combat-contest worlds to ensure they remain in RGRM control. Held by Colonels or higher, it consists of forming squads and platoons to ensure complete control of the map.

Division Tryouts: Held by the Divisions Minor Officers, Executive Officers or Commanding Officer, tryouts are to be held only at Tipoca these events consist of many elements devised by the Officer in-charge to determine the capability of an individual for their respective division.

Division Field Tryouts: Held by the Divisions Minor Officers, Executive Officers or Commanding Officer, held on any of RGRM’s patrol maps. Often short, are to see the field workings of prospective recruits to ensure compatibility with their respective division.

Inspections: Held by Senior Commanders or higher, these events consist of inspecting Officer Corps, Enlisted Corps, Divisions, or select individuals to ensure the standards set by the High Command are being met.

Article I: Events should have at least a thirty minute notice in the group discord and group shout before the event begins.

Article II: It is the responsibility of the event host to promote the enlisted who earned a promotion at the event.
Article II.I: There is no set amount that need to be promoted at an event, everyone or none can be promoted assuming their ranks are eligible to be promoted.

Article III: The ranks of Colonel or higher may host events freely.

Article IV: The ranks of Major may host events with supervision from a colonel or higher.

Article V: Upon completion of an event, it is the hosts responsibility to fill out the form located in the event reports channel. Failure to fill out this form will result in the host not getting credit for hosting the event.

Section V: Promotions

Article I: Promotions may be awarded for any display of initiative, courage, skill or loyalty by a member of the Republic. These acts do not need to be displayed during official events. Personnel at the rank of Lieutenant and higher may recommend another member of enlisted statues to possibly receive a promotion, provided that said officer provides evidence.

Article II: Only the ranks of Colonel and above may promote personnel in the Republic Military.

Article III: Freely ranking members of the Republic Military will result in severe punishment.

Article IV: Personnel of which do not have required skill to uphold their respective rank will be immediately be put in a more suitable position.

Article V: All promotions must be logged with the appropriate format and submitted in the appropriate channel on the official RGRM Discord.

Section VI: Chain of Command

Article I: Enlisted Ranks

Cadet - Cadets are the first rank within the Republic Military. No authority and no ability to join a division it is their duty to prove themselves capable of becoming a trooper and thus, a full fledged member of RGRM.
Note: It is the duty of all Republic Officers to observe Cadets and to recommend their promotion if they are seen with respectable grammar capabilities, and the ability to follow orders.

Trooper-Corporal - Full fledged members of the Republic Military, they have no command authority but are now able to join a division.

Sergeant - First rank that is given the authority to command other units. They are also now allowed to become Minor Officers in their respective division.

The rank of Sergeant and Sergeant classifies as an non-commissioned officer.

Sergeant Major - Senior noncommissioned officers who are often seen leading squads or assistant squad leaders in patrols. Crucial stage for most members as it is here where you’re evaluated to become an Officer.

Article II: Officer Ranks

Lieutenant - Low grade Officers that are tasked often with leading squads and advising multiple units in game. May become Executive Officers with permission from a Senior Command officer.

Captains - Low grade Officers that are able to host with supervision from a Colonel or higher. Eligible to become Executive Officers in Divisions.

Major - Field grade Officer that are now eligible to host events.

Notice: For Majors to become a Colonel they must first be submitted by High Command to be reviewed by Senior Command and Marshal command. Upon approval they will be ranked to Colonel by a Senior Commander or higher…

Article III: High Command

Colonel - Field grade Officers capable of promoting and demoting officers and enlisted alike.

Commander - Battalion grade Officers with the authority to command Battalions and Legions if in charge of one.

Article IV: Senior Command

Senior Commander - Tasked with ensuring the activity and functionality of the High Command.

Article V: Maximum Authority

Marshal Commander -.Tasked with assisting the Supreme commander ensuring the activity and functionality of the entirety of the Republic Military and is to take over in the absence of the Supreme Commander.

Supreme Commander - Absolute Authority within the Republic Military.

Section VII: Rank Expectations

Expectations for all ranks - Must know the Military Rules and Regulations doctrine.

Enlisted : Cadets - Corporal - Must obey orders of superior members. Must use basic levels of proper grammar. Must behave in a mature manner while on duty.

Enlisted Non-Commissioned Officers : Sergeant - Sergeant Major - Must set an appropriate example for Enlisted Members. Higher levels of grammar must be used. Must be able to appropriately lead other enlisted members. Must be able to appropriately communicate with other Enlisted. members.

Low Officers : Lieutenant - Must set an example for all members under you. Must use higher levels of grammar. Must be able to appropriately communicate, direct and command Enlisted members.

Company Officers : Captain - Must be able to properly act as a Co-Host if assigned as one. Must be able to coordinate troopers on the front and appropriately communicate, direct and command Enlisted and Lieutenant members of RGRM. Must ensure the expectations of all members of RGRM.

Field Officers : Major - Must be able to properly host patrols and trainings when supervised. Must be able to coordinate troopers on the front and appropriately communicate, direct and command Enlisted and lower officer members of RGRM. Must ensure the expectations of all members RGRM.

High Command : Colonel - Commander - Expected to be the leading role models of RGRM. Must be active and experienced in hosting patrols and trainings. Must ensure the expectations of all members RGRM.

Section VIII: Map-Specific Regulations

Article I: Kashyyyk - The forested planet in control by the RGRM, official patrols and field trainings are allowed to be held here.
Article I.I: Congregating inside the Venator unless setting up for a Field Training, Patrol, Announcements, or any such event authorized by High Command is prohibited.
Article I.II: Members are to constantly patrol the Capture Points when on Kashyyyk unless given special orders to do otherwise.
Article I.III: Passing the RGRM restriction line to the Raider spawn is forbidden and will be met with swift punishment.
Article I.IV: Field Tryouts are permitted as long as they last under thirty minutes and do not spend to much time inside the Venator.

Article II: Tipoca - Is the official training facility within the Republic Military, inspections, traditional trainings, all-hands trainings and division tryouts are to happen here.
Article II.I: Unless crucial to the Tryouts held by a Division or under special orders to do so, observations are prohibited.

Section IX: Administrative Commands

Article I:
The following administrative commands may only be used in the matter of investigative purposes:
:logs / :chatlogs / :noclip / :clip / :fly / :tp / :to / :bring / :watch
Article I.I:
Investigative purposes are what follows:
In the matter of exploiting, the breaking of rules, bombing of the hangar, or where a high ranking official see fit.

Article II:
The following administrative commands may only be used whilst events are taking place:
:ff / :tp / :bring / :to / :m / :n / :h / :noclip / :clip
Article II.I: The previously listed administrative commands are not to always be issued whilst events are taking place. The usage of :noclip/:clip may only be used if a special event requires it to do so. Only use commands if they are absolute necessary.

Article III:
The following administrative commands are for the usage of exploiting, the breaking of rules or where a high ranking official see fit:
:kick / :ban / :pban
Article III.I: The previously listed administrative commands may only be used by the rank of Colonel and above with the sole exception of :pban. Only the ranks of Marshal commander and above may use such a command.

All other administrative commands may not be used unless given personal authorization by the Supreme Commander.

Section X: Demotions / Disciplinary Rules

Article I: Acts such as disobeying an order, or not following rules in which cause minor disciplinary issues, punishments given will range from :kick to losing credibility of your current position or losing that position all together.

Article II: Acts that can been seen as detrimental to the ethics or appearance of the Republic Military such as hacking, assaulting other members of the Republic, or multiple disciplinary acts may result in punishments ranging from :ban and being demoted.

Article III: Acts that cause direct harm to the Republic in which no other disciplinary actions may resolve the issue, punishments such as :Pban, demotion to the lowest rank from any other rank and or exile will be issued.

Article IV: All demotions must be logged with the appropriate format and submitted in the appropriate channel on the official RGRM Discord.

Section XI: Discord Guidelines

Article I: Members of the Republic are to act respectfully and with maturity in all RGRM Discords.

Article II: Flaming, cursing or arguing with anyone within official RGRM Discords in prohibited.

Article III: Under no circumstance should anyone of the Republic Military, Senate or any other service under the Galactic Republic spam multiple messages in official Discords.

Article IV: Photographic imagery, videos, graphic interchange format or “GIFs” and any subsequent imagery shall not be posted unless directly related to RGRM.

Article V: Only the ranks of Colonel and higher are allowed to correctly utilize “everyone” and “here” in RGRM Discords.

Article VI: Inappropriate use of “everyone” and “here” is punishable.

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