[RI] Renegade Incorporated - Official Guide

Renegade Incorporated
Official Guide

Welcome! This new guide will teach you all you may need to know about Renegade Inc, including how to apply, what requirements there are for each rank’s application and our subdivisions.

Rules of Applying
  • You may only submit an application once per week.
  • You must use proper grammar, including punctuation, capitalization, etc when filling out an application.
  • Any creation that you wish to submit for your application must be made entirely by you, otherwise it will be declined.
  • Users who are blacklisted from Renegade Inc. cannot apply- and will be declined immediately if they do so.

Ranks and Requirements

Scripter Ranks
Novice Scripter

  • Present two examples of working, decently formatted scripts that can perform small or simple tasks, and are entirely made by you.
  • You may also present a model that utilizes these scripts.
  • You may be asked to explain your script to confirm that you made it.

Expert Scripter

  • Present two examples of working, properly formatted scripts that can perform complex tasks and are entirely made by you.
  • You may also present a model that utilizes these scripts.
  • Submissions must be compatible with FilteringEnabled. Can work in places with Experimental Mode off.
  • You will be asked to explain your script to confirm that you made it.

Builder Ranks
Novice Builder

  • Present two examples of either models or places that display simple details and are entirely made by you.
  • You may also present mesh or solid modeling (CSG) creations.

Expert Builder

  • Present two examples of either models or places that display intricate and meaningful details and are entirely made by you.
  • You may also present mesh or solid modeling (CSG) creations.

Artist Ranks
Novice Artist

  • Present two examples of graphics or audio that reflect your artistic talents.
  • You can present decals, original music, and/or GUIs.

Expert Artist

  • Present two examples of graphics or audio that reflect your artistic talents being masterful and meaningful.
  • You can present decals, original music, and/or GUIs.

Administration Ranks

All administration ranks are handpicked or application-based only.

Moderation Team

  • Hand-picked, trusted members who help in moderating Renegade facilities and modes of communication. Moderators also handle promotion requests.
  • Applications for the Moderation Team open rarely, however, they are never a guaranteed pass and usually depend on background, activity, etc.


  • Hand-picked, trusted members who help in group management and handle promotion requests.
  • Generally will consist of sub-group Directors.


  • Hand-picked by the Chief Executive Officer, made up of very talented builders and scripters who work on Renegade facilities.

Chief Executive Officer

  • Unobtainable; handpicked by the predecessor of the company with consensus from the current staff.

Application Formatting and Tips

Upon meeting the above requirements, you must format your application as follows:

Desired rank

  • Placing an Administrative rank in this application will result in your application being immediately declined.

Link to two examples

  • When submitting your application, you may use any Roblox links, any file-sharing links (as long as they are publicly visible), and any other websites where your work can be published with author verification.

Explanation of examples (Required for NS/ES/EB/EA)

  • When explaining code, you should show that you are familiar with the flow of how it works and why the code’s layout was done this way.
  • When explaining a build or artistic work, you should describe the creation and give context of where it would be used.

Once completed, you may submit your application. It may take around 1 to 2 days for moderators to review and decide on your application result.

Official Subgroups:

Renegade Incorporated Security Team (RIST)
A private military force tasked with protecting Renegade Incorporated facilities and other interests.

Renegade Incorporated Media Team (RIMT)
A crew of personnel who work to create any media related to Renegade Incorporated, including public documents, graphical assets and YouTube videos.


To close, we thank you for your time taken reading this guide, and we hope that it has thoroughly explained the means of becoming your desired rank, and by that, you would continue to enjoy what Renegade Incorporated has to offer.