Rich text doesn't display properly when the text element's text property gets changed while already using rich text

When using RichText, changing the TextLabel’s text either manually or via script will keep the TextLabel’s previous rich text, so long as you’re using bold, italics or font weight. (There may be other types of rich text that this happens with, though from my testing it was only these three)

This happens on both the client and the server.
This happens both in studio and in game.

Currently, a way around this is to change the text into something that doesn’t use rich text, like an empty string, beforehand. If done via script, you need to include a task.wait().

To reproduce this manually, without a script, you can do the following with a TextLabel with the RichText property set to true:

  1. Set the TextLabel’s Text property to a string with italic formatting, such as <i>italics</i>
  2. Without changing it to anything else prior, set the TextLabel’s Text property to a string with bold formatting, such as <b>bold</b>

Notice how the TextLabel is displaying the previously inputted italic formatting, but the newly inputted “bold” text?
This does the same in the other direction too, and also functions similarly when using font weight

Below is a video of how it works without a script:

Below is a video of how it works with a script:

Below is a script that’ll replicate this functionality, assuming script.Parent is a TextLabel with the RichText property set to true:

script.Parent.Text = "<i>italics</i>"
--script.Parent.Text = "<font weight = \"heavy\">heavy</font>"
--script.Parent.Text = "<b>bold</b>"


-- These two commented out lines prevent this bug, but it generally looks ugly with the slight flicker
--script.Parent.Text = ""

--script.Parent.Text = "<i>italics</i>"
--script.Parent.Text = "<font weight = \"heavy\">heavy</font>"
script.Parent.Text = "<b>bold</b>"

Below is a place file that replicates this functionality:
richtextbug.rbxl (60.6 KB)

Hi @nyihilist ! We are tracking this issue via the following post:

Please use that thread to track this issue. Thanks so much for the detailed report!

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