Rich Text Module bug/general rendering glitch

I’m making a Town of Salem based game, and we use Defaultio’s Rich Text Module for dialogue.
Except in some rare cases, generally on Mobile devices, this occurs:

While it’s supposed to look like

I have removed and installed Roblox on my phone and it’s still occuring.I even resorted to preloading all the text that gets generated, with no success.
Anyone knows how one would fix this and/or make it less?
We are trying to make our game accessible to people with mobile devices aswell, and this will definitely
ruin their experience.

Sincerely, VirtualButFake

Code I’m using to make the text is:
local textObject = richText:New(textFrame, text, {ZIndex = 100,Font = Enum.Font.Cartoon})


Did you end up solving the problem? im experiencing the same issue on PC. The text pops up properly in studio and on mobile. but when I actually play the game on PC, the text always looks like this:

and its supposed to look like this:

This problem was ages ago so I just left it for what it was - however, now, you should probably just use the native RichText property on TextLabels which doesn’t have this issue.

i ended up discovering that the problem only happened for certain fonts. i was using fredoka one at first, and once I changed the font, I never had the issue again for some reason.