Rich text with font size and text scaled is rendering differently in game

Rich text with font size and text scaled is rendering differently in game. In studio the text with font size specified is getting scaled, and in game text with font size specified is not getting scaled. Previously it worked in game like it does in studio currently, but it has changed recently for some reason.

Here is some code to demonstrate the difference:

local p = game:GetService"Players":GetPlayers()[1]:FindFirstChildWhichIsA"PlayerGui"
local g ="ScreenGui"
local l ="TextLabel"
l.RichText = true
l.Text = "A<font size=\"5\">B</font>"
l.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(300,300)
l.TextScaled = true
l.BackgroundTransparency = 1
l.Parent = g
g.Parent = p

In studio:

In game:

Expected behavior

The rich text should scale as it does in studio, and I have been relying upon this. Also it seems that the way text scaled works has changed, in game the rich text scaling seems to limit itself in the size it will scale to, though this seems relatively minor.


Thank you for reporting this! A recent fix caused a break in this behavior. We have reverted the fix, so rich text scaling should be back to the previous behavior now. Let us know if you continue to see any problems!

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