RichText BROKEN in TextLabel


My text labels which have the RichText property enabled aren’t updating properly, it’s adding extra text out of nowhere… This bug was created only recently in the past week.

I basically am creating a text label to show player kills but it is duplicating the first to before the second one.

This is what I input in the Text: Player1 killed Player3

And this is the result it shows in the gui if I disable “RichText”: Player1 killed Player1Player3

Clearly not what was input in the Text property, the result in the gui is corrupt.

Here’s an attached video of what’s happening:

I have tried changed my method to update the Text property but still to no avail. It clearly isn’t a local input issue, no matter how you input it, the TextLabel still corrupts it:

Default method:

Text = string.format(
“%s killed %s”,

Second method:

Text = “”
… self.props.playerKillingName
… “ killed ”
… self.props.playerKilledName
… “”,

Turning off AutoLocalize to prevent automatic translation fixes the issue. However, what if one wants to keep it on? There must’ve been a bad caching update to the translation system.

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue! Is it possible for you to provide a repro file for further investigation? Thank you.

This may be the same issue I and several others had last week? Repro is not a valid ask for this given the time constraints around auto localization.

Hoping whatever fix they implement retroactively fixes what looks like many many affected games.

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Hey @Arizyen , thanks for the report. Could you link us to your experience please?