My text labels which have the RichText property enabled aren’t updating properly, it’s adding extra text out of nowhere… This bug was created only recently in the past week.
I basically am creating a text label to show player kills but it is duplicating the first to before the second one.
This is what I input in the Text: Player1 killed Player3
And this is the result it shows in the gui if I disable “RichText”: Player1 killed Player1Player3
Clearly not what was input in the Text property, the result in the gui is corrupt.
Here’s an attached video of what’s happening:
I have tried changed my method to update the Text property but still to no avail. It clearly isn’t a local input issue, no matter how you input it, the TextLabel still corrupts it:
Default method:
Text = string.format(
“%s killed %s”,
Second method:
Text = “”
… self.props.playerKillingName
… “ killed ”
… self.props.playerKilledName
… “”,
Turning off AutoLocalize to prevent automatic translation fixes the issue. However, what if one wants to keep it on? There must’ve been a bad caching update to the translation system.