Hey there!
So I’m trying to color a TextLabel with each letter having a different color. The problem is that I need to do it with variables and it just doesn’t work.
word.Text = “<font color = ‘#00be00 ’.>”…Variable1…“</font.><font color = ‘#ff0000 ’.>”…Variable2
(I know there are dots that are missplaced and there are 3 dots instead of 2, that’s because the formatting doesn’t let me show the code without it)
Any help would be really appreciated!
You can do this:
local Variable1 = "put something here"
local Variable2 = "put something here"
word.Text = '<font color = "#00be00">' .. text .. '</font><font color = "#ff0000">' .. Variable2
Use single quotes when the string itself contains double quotes.
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May 1, 2021, 4:30pm
If you want to avoid dealing with this mess, you could use string.format
local richTextFormat = '<font color="#00be00">%s</font><font color="#ff0000">%s</font>'
word.Text = string.format(richTextFormat, "word 1", "word 2")
Sadly, this only works if the variables I put are strings.
This doesn’t work:
local Variable1 = string.sub(word.Text, 1, count - 1)
local Variable2 = string.sub(word.Text, errorIndex, count)
word.Text = '<font color = "#00be00">' .. Variable1 .. '</font><font color = "#ff0000">' .. Variable2 .. '</font>'
This solution doesn’t work with what I said
The same goes to this solution
No, the text is just not formatted. It shows the format itself as text.
May 1, 2021, 4:38pm
It seems like there is no issue. Did you enable RichText on the label?
Yes, you aren’t using what I sent tho.
May 1, 2021, 4:42pm
Instead of concatenating the variables, I used string.format
local richTextFormat = '<font color="#00be00">%s</font><font color="#ff0000">%s</font>'
word.Text = string.format(richTextFormat, Variable1, Variable2)
With these variables it doesn’t work tho:
local Variable1 = string.sub(word.Text, 1, count - 1)
local Variable2 = string.sub(word.Text, arrorIndex, count)
Could you print that variables?
May 1, 2021, 4:48pm
You might want to use word.Content instead of word.Text, if you want to exclude the xml tags.
Actually, yes, I can print them.
This just gives me: “Content is not a valid member of TextLabel”
Print them, so I can check them.
This is what it prints:
- Client
< - Client
I think it prints this because the text is weird because of the formatting.
Okay I got it worked out. Thank you for your help!