Hello! I am creating a custom non-humanoid rig for my new game, and everything was going smoothly until I began animating…
When I rotated the rig’s RightUpperLeg, it actually rotated the entire rig instead of just the leg. A similar problem also appears to occur with the LowerTorso, however this does not apply to the LeftUpperLeg or any of the other body segments. I rejointed the rig twice in different ways, yet the problem is still occuring. I also made sure the entire rig is unanchored. Do you know what’s happening here? Could you please look into this problem and help me to solve it? Any advice would be well appreciated and help me to continue the development of my new game! : 〉
Here is a capture of the problem:
Here are some pictures of the rig layout and the Motor6D properties:
Let me know if you need any more information on the topic and I’ll see what I can do!