Rig Attached to Other Characters Doesn't Animate

I’ve got a fairly simple system for a sort of hovering wings accessory that creates the rig, Welds it to the players back, and plays the animation on it after changing their own animations to the hovering animation pack. This system works fine, however the issue is coming into play as I’m trying to display these on other characters that have them as well. The wings display but the flapping animations won’t play for other characters as shown below:

For context, the wings are created locally on a client by client character by character basis using a server set attribute “ServerFlying”. The wings appear fine on other players, however for some reason the animation is not visible. Initially I could get it to play by hitting into the other character ("a part within the wing was set to cancollide true) which oddly seemed to update it to begin playing the new animation, however upon thinking that was the cause to begin with and changing it the behavior is now permanent with no way I can find to get it to play.

The basics of the code that gets these to display is as follows (Only shows essentials so some self calls dont show the overall function just the relevant connection):

local function WeldAccessoryToCharacter(characterModel, accessory) --For Rig Welding
	local accessoryAttachment = accessory:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Attachment", true)
	if not accessoryAttachment then
		warn("No attachments found in accessory. Accessory was not attached.")

	local attachmentName = accessoryAttachment.Name
	local attachTo = characterModel:FindFirstChild(attachmentName, true)
	if not attachTo or not attachTo:IsA("Attachment") then
		warn(string.format("No attachment named %s found in character. Accessory was not attached.", attachmentName))

	local Handle = accessory:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	if not Handle then
		warn("Attachment has no handle. Accessory was not attached.")

	accessory.Parent = characterModel

	Handle.CFrame = attachTo.WorldCFrame * accessoryAttachment.CFrame:Inverse()

	local Weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
	Weld.Part0 = Handle
	Weld.Part1 = attachTo.Parent
	Weld.Parent = Handle

self._FlyingChanged = self.Player:GetAttributeChangedSignal("ServerFlying"):Connect(function()
	if self.Player:GetAttribute("ServerFlying") == true then
		if self.Character then
		if self.Character then
			if self.Wings then

			if self.WingsAnim then

function LocalPlayer:StartFlying()
	if self.Character then
		self.Wings = script.OrigamiWings:Clone()
		WeldAccessoryToCharacter(self.Character, self.Wings)

		local Animator = self.Wings:WaitForChild("AnimationController")
		self.WingsAnim = Animator:LoadAnimation(self.Wings:WaitForChild("Flapping"))
		self.WingsAnim.Looped = true
		self.WingsAnim:Play(0, 1, .75)

Not quite sure what’s going on here but would greatly appreciate some help, thanks!

EDIT: I’ve found that the cause of this particular issue is due to a currently ongoing engine bug as detailed here. I’ve tried the given workaround in a few variations parenting and loading the animation first and then welding to the character, as well as parenting loading and playing the animation before welding. These all work for your own local character, however I can’t get this workaround functioning for other characters.

I think Animations are only played locally on the player, then the server sees the animation and plays it to other players. That’s why other players seem to skip and the animations are jerky when the other player lags.

Makes sense to me, but I don’t think that would effect things in this instance. Each client creates the wings and plays the animations for every other flying character so their animations are only playing on your client. I’ve also confirmed that they do indeed play as colliding with the character suddenly makes their wings start flapping, however you shouldn’t typically be able to collide with them to begin with and it doesn’t address the overall issue just likely gives a hint I can’t figure out at what may be causing it.