Rig Builder plugin has incorrect R6 + R15 head descendants

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open Roblox Studio
  2. Open a random template
  3. Click the Rig Builder plugin
  4. Insert an R6 rig
  5. Insert an R15 rig
  6. Expand the children of the R6 and R15 rigs via the Explorer
  7. Observe the R15 rig has the “Face” decal capitalized and the R6 rig has two lowercase “face” decals

Expected Behavior
The decal naming convention is the same between both rigs. The R6 rig should only have one face decal. Historically it has been one decal named “face” (lowercase).

Actual Behavior
The R15 rig has the “Face” decal capitalized and the R6 rig has two lowercase “face” decals.
image image

Delete or rename the improper face decals manually.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-01-02 00:01:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-01-09 00:01:00 (-05:00)


This isn’t really related to the problem at hand, but why DOES the R6 rig have 2 decals? Would that itself be a bug?

Yes. That’s included in the post. Almost certainly it is unintentional.

This issue has already been around for a few months now, I first noticed it around October.

Thank you for the report! I have submitted an internal ticket.


As of January 2023, this bug has been partially fixed and somewhat flip-flopped.

The R6 dummy now only has one face decal, but it is now capitalized.
The R15 dummy now has a lowercase face decal.

Hello, latest Rig Builder should be correct. Please let us know if you still encountering an issue. Thank you for your patience!


Can confirm, thank you for the fix!

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