Rig Model Breaking

I have exported a rigged and modeled character to my game from blender. I want to be able to move this character around so I decide to unanchor the body parts, but for some reason every time I do it just breaks the model. I have tried to change HipHeight but that didn’t work. I won’t be able to animate the character if it is anchored.

Have you set up a HumanoidRootPart for that character?
Have you rigged it correctly?

Is the rig correctly imported? Does it work as intended in the animate editor?

when I try to move the body parts in the animator, it will not move unless it is unachored. But when it is unachored, it resorts to looking like what you see above.

The HumanoidRootPart I see is automatic, as it already made a RootPart object with the models’ primary part set to it.

The rig, although its my first rig im pretty confident it has been rigged correctly. Ive tested pose mode in blender and all the weights are as they should be.

It’s meant to be unanchored, anything anchored will not budge to move anywhere.

Try perhaps welding things together again since if they’re falling, then it means they’re not correctly rigged to function.