Rig not importing in Blender, need help

Hello fellow Roblox developers, i am having a problem id like solved. Today i was trying to export an R15 Dummy rig and then import it in Blender to make some renders and stuff. I tried going on exporting dummy by going to “Export selection” in studio and save as OBJ file, but when i try to import my Dummy rig, in Blender its shown as Dummy under scene collection like its in Blender, when that dummy rig simply didnt appear. Am i doing something wrong? Or is it something else? I need help. Not sure if wrong category, it seemed like the most only accurate one to put this in.

This is pretty late reply, so I’d assume you found out already.
This might as well just help out future users who struggle with the same problem

The object is already imported in, but I’d assume you have the rig somewhere far away from the center base it self since it’s not appearing where you want it to be.

Center your rig on studio and try to import it again. :smiling_face:

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I’m pretty sure that you can’t export rigs with OBJ since its for models only