While developping my game, I wanted to add “easter eggs” for some users, and basically I set a rig that’s empty of things and I want it to load a User’s current Outfit/Look. But what I want is as I said it’s for some users, and basically I want to load their avatar on the rig.
So basically this is a simplified version:
-Load and Apply a user’s avatar with their Id (not the player)
More Info On The Rig
-Has been shrunk, is smaller than normal rigs.
-Is in a “Pose”
-All parts (Head, Torso, Legs, Arms) Not Accessories are anchored.
-Is an R6 Rig.
-There’s no Accessories.
-There’s no BodyColors.
I tried search for answers with HumanoidDescription but didn’t get much.
Please link to a post/article or lead me to what I should do.
Thanks for reading.
Sorry for not knowing much it is my first time doing something with HumanoidDescription, maybe there’s another way of doing this without HumanoidDescription.
The DevHub doesn’t give much info on this type of “function”, but I know it is possible.
i think humanoidDescription is the easiest way
local humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local humanoidDescription = humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
local npcHumanoid = worskpace.NPC.Humanoid --i'm assuming the npc is a model in the worskpace, if not, make sure to change that
if you would like to do some more research on the subject, you can look at this
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All this gave was for players, what I want is to put someone’s avatar (using their id, doesn’t mean they’re in the game) in a Rig that doesn’t move, bit like a statue.
yea thats how the script is intended to work. So for local npcHumanoid
put the humanoid of the statue and for the local Humanoid
put the players humanoid
How do I load someone’s avatar info in the HumanoidDescription, by using their Id?
So inside a local script, do
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Description = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(Player.UserId)
local npcHumanoid = workspace.NPC.Humanoid -- Replace this with where ever your model is
I have one more problem, sorry.
Since I have made the rig smaller how can I make the accessories be the same size?
can you send a screen shot of what they look like now?
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Here you go:
They look too big. I compared the difference between a normal and this rig sizes. The difference of scale between the 2 is a long number but is the equvalent of 2 divided by 0,6.
@KreatorKols are you here or you suddenly left?
This is really confusing… I do not know what to do. I never manipulated both Humanoid and Humanoid Description.
To people who are new as of now I said in the post the character is smaller, accessories aren’t spawning in the right size as shown in the screenshot.
you can get the accessories in the rig and multiply their size by the scale
local rig = nil --the rig you want
local scale = nil --the scale you want
for i, v in pairs(rig:GetChildren()) do --loop through the accessories in the rig and adjust their scale
if v:IsA("Accessory") then
if v.Handle:IsA("MeshPart") then --accessories can be meshparts or parts with specialmeshes
v.Size = (v.Size * scale)
v.Handle:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("SpecialMesh").Scale *= scale