Hello! I have no idea if this is a scripting problem or building problem, but I am pretty sure its a building problem. when you move a character what happens is it moves side to side, it happens while you walk more specifically, I want to stop this or at least make it so it only happens when you walk since for some weird reason it will still sway even when its not moving.
I believe the swaying is caused by how the easing on the Roblox animator work. It thinks a separate keyframe means it needs to go there smoothly and fill in the keyframes that would be in between them, so it changes it’s angle by 1 then -1 degrees so it sees that it is going to the next key frame smoothly.
It’s because of a custom idle animation and the keyframes and their easing type. Try turning easing on the idle animation to linear or none.
I am not sure that is it because the swaying continues when you walk, and when you jump, ect.
Maybe it’s because you have a torso keyframe in the animation and it’s trying to make it fluid. Try removing the torso keyframe or changing just the torso’s keyframe easing to be linear.
I don’t have any torso keyframes.
Ok. Then maybe the problem is with the lack of a torso keyframe. Try adding a torso keyframe to every keyframe slot on the animator.
Alright. I will try but I am not sure about it
If it doesn’t work you can just delete the torso keyframes. No big deal.
Wait I just fixed it, I removed any idle animations…
thats strange…
So it’s a problem with the idle animation. Can you post screenshots of the animation editor with the idle animation loaded? I think the idle animation is always in effect, unless another animation contradicts it’s limb movements, in which it performs the movements required by the other animation. jump>sit>run>walk>idle. It’s a hierarchy. Jump overrides sit and everything lower on the hierarchy, which overrides run and everything lower, etc, etc, unless it doesn’t need to override that action, such as if the torso part is swaying on the idle animation with no torso animations on walk, run, etc, so it does that animation.
well I never made an idle animation, It was always the original so that was probably the problem. the idle probably accessed the torso instead of the arms
I have explained exactly how it works above. I figured this out through the diagnosis of your problem. I hope this helps you.