Rig Visualization Tool


Heya! I was having trouble debugging my rig while working on a recent inverse-kinematics project, so I wrote up a module to help me see the bones similar to how they appeared in Blender. Today I finished porting that module to a plugin!

Just select a part with a rig under it / any of the bones in the rig and it will create the visualization automatically! To end the visualization you can just delete the UI it created in the StarterGui.

Limitations as of today:

  • As selection can’t be called from the client in studio the current version can’t visualize bones in-game, especially if you’re only rendering the bones on the client like I am. Ideally at some point I’d create some UI that allows you to schedule certain rigs for visualization before running the game.

  • For some reason once you delete the UI you need to select another rig before it will allow you to select the rig the rig you just deleted the visualization for again.

Happy rigging!
