Rig waist behaves like it is anchored


I posted a topic minutes ago about loading emotes on a rig, and got that resolved; However, I have a new issue that is (Maybe?) related to the rig itself, and I didn’t want to edit the previous topic as it didn’t fit-- so I made a new one (I am not too familiar with forum rules, I hope this is okay)

Anywho, I modeled a rig in Nomad Sculpt, and rigged it in blender. Below is the design, and bone hierarchy.


Here’s the actual humanoid I have for my mesh.

(If any of these images look broken or embed fail just click to see them. I don’t know why they do that)

This is my issue, I have my actual avatar next to the rig playing the same emotes for comparison

It is quite silly.

I am new to modeling rigs, and using them as actual animatable humanoids. I don’t really know how to word my issue other than his waist acts like it’s anchored… Any help is wonderful, so if it is an issue with my rig itself, the humanoid, or something else let me know!

Try renaming Root to HumanoidRootPart. I tested an R15 rig with a HumanoidRootPart named “Root”, and it had the same issue.

I renamed the bone last night to HumanoidRootPart, and still had the same issue. I wonder if it’s because the root bone isn’t a part, but if that is the case… how are rigs animated to begin with?? I am at school at the moment, so I will have to take a look at this when I get home-- Maybe I misspelled HumanoidRootPart or something…

Did you try renaming the actual Root basepart, not the bone of it?

Seems to work for me:

Well lookie here!! It turns out, my rig doesn’t have a root part, which may be why he behaves this way.
The question is how can I make a root part? Is there a size guide, or a way I am supposed to attach it to the rig?

For clarity, here is how he is set up currently

I don’t think so (I might be wrong), just make sure the RootPart is centered, and it works correctly.

Okay, so I made a new part with this root part, but he seems to slide on the floor playing a fall animation, and the root part doesn’t float like a normal humanoid should do.

Here is the current hierarchy:

I added a motor6D called root in the rootPart to weld the mesh to the part, as otherwise it would fall out of the world while the root part kinda slid around on its own. . . (And yes, the model primary part it set the my new root part)

I tried reuploading his mesh as an R15 rig instead of custom, but it complains and doesn’t set up a humanoid correctly at all. . .

I don’t know how to rig, but maybe you could increase the HipHeight property on the Humanoid?

Okay, so I got pretty far. I adjusted a lot of stuff, and now things are bound correctly, but he still has the issue of having an anchored waist. Thank you for the help so far by the way!!

Hmm, I don’t have any ideas on what the issue could be with the anchored waist.
Sorry, I don’t know how to Rig using external 3D softwares.

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Okay, don’t laugh at me for this but I found the solution!

What I was doing was trying to make a humanoid manually from a rig, but roblox already has a system to set up these humanoids-- It’s made to make character bundles, but can be used to make a humanoid model too!


The thing was called “Avatar Setup”. Importing my rigged model, then running it through it made the humanoid correctly and I can now animate and use it properly!

Once it finished showing me the autosetup model, I just copied the rig before exiting auto setup. It seperated all his body parts correctly, and (albiet a little over decimated) the mesh turned out okay!

It seems to not do to well with deciding what part of the body his tail falls in, but this method wont let me keep the bones in the tail anyways.

I may just remove his tail from the rig, weld it as an imported rig to his lower torso, and animate it separately from his body.

Here it is working, and very tiny!

Thanks for your help!

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