So i have 2 rigs, one is rigged r6 with enough bones to make it visually look like MORE than r15
I used the avatar setup and it transformed it to r15 with NO BONES instances but it somehow can still can be deformed (somehow magic idk how its done), the problem is once i convert it into r15 the extra bones are removed (finger bones etc)? is there somehow a dual approach i can do that allowes me to keep the extra bones meanwhile using r15, i want to use r15 to make ragdolls since if i make ragdolls using r6 the extra bones dont have physics, also roblox automatically provides constraints for r15 so yeah. Also having a way to retarget animations would also be pretty nice i tried using mixamo to r15 tutorial but it looks diff than using the r6 rig
TwoRigs.rbxl (330,9 KB)