When animating a normal roblox character rig, if you rotate the torso, the entire body will move, and the legs will pivot off their correct joints. In my model, the torso isn’t animatable for some odd reason and they pivot off a leg.

I’ve tried re-rigging multiple times, using a fake torso as a base and welding the head meshes to that torso. The only progress I made was instead of one leg acting weird it switched to a different leg. (which as far as im aware, only a “Head” part and a “HumanoidRootPart” part are necessary for an AI (please correct me)
If you look at the list of body parts in the moonanimator in the video, I’ve noticed that the torso won’t animate for some reason, so it’ll default to the next item on the list to be the “Root-Joint” (i think thats what its called)