[Rigging] Help In Rigging An r15 Character


Hey, Ill get straight to the problem im facing.
Here is the character i want to rig

More pics can be sent if required.


Im wanna animate this rig to make it look cooler in my game.
However when i try to move the hand ,the Armor /Extra parts dont move.
I have a feeling i would need to rig it to the model.
But i dont really know how do i go about this.
Any help will be greatly appreciated .

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Hi! I can help you! Here - Weld the armor to the character’s body part like where it needs to go. For example: if there’s some armor on the lower hand, weld the armor to the lower hand.

If you didn’t understand, you can send me the model and I can do it for you.


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Tysm man means alot to me.
Rig works nicely

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Glad I could help you. :slight_smile: