Rigging not working with custom dummy

I’m posting this here because I don’t know where else I can since it’s about animating.

So I’ve been trying to weld my custom gun to my custom human rig, but it doesn’t seem to work. I welded all the parts to the handle using regular welds, and then I welded the handle to the hand of my dummy using a motor6D weld(hand → gun). The problem is, it’s not working, when I open my dummy in an animator, it works as if the hand of the dummy is anchored along with the gun, but it’s not, I tried multiple things but nothing works.

This is what happens, I also tried my dagger as you see in the other picture, still the same result.

Make sure that Part0 is a part in the rig and Part1 is the handle.

Yeah I was doing that, turns out everytime I added a weld to the gun with the hand, it removed a weld from the upper arm to the lower, thanks for help anyways :slight_smile: