Right clicking and holding the taskbar still anchors characters

Long-standing bug, right clicking the taskbar (The bar above the roblox window with the minimise, maximise and close button) then holding your mouse down anchors a character, or causes their physics to not replicate or something. This can be easily abused to allow a player to suspend themselves in midair to cheat in a lot of games.
Pretty serious issue, it’s actually very game breaking and so hard for developers to prevent.


I’ve heard somewhere that localscripts completely stop while the user is doing this, so I was thinking (haven’t tested it out) that you could send requests from the client to server, and if the server stops receiving requests/information from the client it kicks the client.

May or may not work. I’ll test it out when I get home.

I was playing Flood Escape 2 and tried this out. By freezing my window when my health was regenerating, I was able to exceed the maximum for health (I had about 250/100 air). So it appears that the localscripts are still making commands, but perhaps the commands are just stalled until the window is refocused.

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That is strange. I just tested it myself (decided to do an updating value so I could visualize it) and yet once I froze the window it stopped. Maybe localscripts will fail to work under certain conditions, like changing a value?

Edit: Fixed accidentally duplicated words

Just wrote this up. Put in StarterPlayerScripts. Keep in mind that this may false positive and kick people getting extremely bad FPS.

	if workspace:GetRealPhysicsFPS() < 3 then game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:Kick("Your game is running too slow!") end

This could also perhaps be a hacky way to combat people using loadstring in exploits with large sources. :ok_hand:


That would cause a lot of clicks from things like loading large maps, having an audio play for the first time, etc.

Roblox does already auto kick if you hold the bar down for 10 seconds. The problem with this fix is that people can just spam click the bar to reset the kick timer…

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I just held it down for about 20 seconds and wasn’t kicked.

Did you use the right mouse click? It forces the game to shut down, I and 3 others have tried it.

Yes, I used right mouse click. I’ll test again.

Actually, I’ve been holding right click on the bar that the minimize and close tab sits on, not the task bar. Might be different?

Just tried this on an old game of mine, and if I held the right mouse down for about 20 seconds, it would kick me. I got that same infamous message that people have been getting when they disconnect lately.

Still bugs me that this message says what it says, because it is so misleading. It’s very unlikely but maybe these two bugs have something to do with one another? Who knows.

Also, does everyone get the same message when they’re kicked for the bug mentioned in OP?

Yes this is the message you get

Alright, I’m now getting kicked when I try this. Strange, before it wasn’t doing that.

I just now started getting this message.

Although the 20-second buffer kinda makes this “fix” unhelpful, because all I need to “cheat” most games is only about 5 to 10 seconds.

I don’t see how playing an audio for the first time drops FPS – I can understand loading a large map though. Wouldn’t be too hard to make it so that it would have to stay below 3 for 2 seconds or so though.

Loading an audio causes an fps drop spike in my experience on low end hardware

this has also been my experience, over a year ago I was on low-end hardware and a 2 minute song froze me for 3 seconds while it loaded

that’s pretty weird, never seen anything like that. Might be worth submitting a bug report

lol 2014