What do you want to achieve? I want to go about clearing it from all 200 open games (+ i don’t even know which he visited). It’s going to take a long time and will be frustrating.
What is the issue? I need a quick and easy solution to these problems because roblox doesn’t help a lot with explaining.
What solutions have you tried so far? I looked for a few solutions. Didn’t find answers.
Malewarefighter,I got this same problem, same issue, same amount of games. This ins’t a fact but opinion. (use at your own risk)
This was a GDPR notice, saying that if I didn’t take down a specific game, by the end of the month, I could get a fine, banned, or just a simple warning.
I ended up, contacting roblox support about them specifying the game, for me so I can cooperate with they’re support team. They’re response was just giving me an definition of a GDPR notice and a right to erasure request, and not even the specified game id or asset id.
Luckly, I have received help from Sophie, he gave me a script that allows me to delete the datastore from my games, however you have to visit each one but again it is just a script. I’ll probably make a youtube video.
Keep me posted, and if you have any questions ask.