Right to Erasure - Action Requested

Hi, it’s my first time getting this, but Roblox had requested me to delete a user’s id from all records in my game. Can someone please tell me how can I do this?

it means ro wipe put any data of him you have on your game. Basically if you made a datastore of him or have his avatar in your game, you gotta remove it.

If you also have his data on some of his data on an 3rd party database you should probably delete it there aswell.

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It means the player with that UserId has requested to delete their data from within your game(s).

You can remove this players data from your game by using DataStore:RemoveAsync().
This function takes the player’s UserId to then remove their data.

For example:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("MyDataStore") -- DataStore name containing all saved data from players

local UserToRemove = 0000000000 -- UserId you want to remove from your DataStore

DataStore:RemoveAsync(UserToRemove) -- Removes the data associated with this players UserId from the DataStore